
05 September 2009

Latest Obsession..

Yes..thinking of that title.. ‘latest obsession’..What is yours?.. As for me.. lately suddenly I so into this online shopping.. Don’t know why.. Maybe because of that pretty dress I found on the net that really attracted me, besides it would be easier for me to shop during leisure time
without going outside. Just stay at home and let my finger clicking on the mouse..and..
there u go my order sent..haha!
Hey..girls out there..take a look at this..who KNOWS.. maybe you’ll interested.. it’s worth and easy to get.. :) (just click on the picture to know more details..)


On the other hand.. I am preparing myself for my sister’s birthday celebration this evening around 7pm.. She turns 20 on the 3rd September.. We decided to postpone her birthday celebration since it was Thursday and it was my thought too to postpone that celebration to Saturday (today) as everyone would be free and easier to come
to my parents’ house on weekend.
Now I am thinking what gift should I present to her.. Maybe something related with her age or perhaps something to do with religious.. Hmm..will think of it later.. As long as I bring something for her, it would be nice for a birthday GIRL.. hehe..

Ok that’s it for today..
Hope You all have a joyful weekend. GOD bless!


  1. Hi Stella, girls and shopping. Girls and shoes. Girls and handbags...never enough, ha ha.
    Like my wife, still has 2 pairs, one not even touched the road yet, and she already looking at coming eand of Summer shoe sales.

    And here we have 4 seasons too.
    I bet you here you'll go crazy over the beautiful Winter jackets.

    Get your sister a bottle of perfume? A CD or a dress....
    You have fun and have a nice day, Lee.

  2. Hi U.Lee,
    Girls and shopping..good combinations isn't haha!.. I like to shop..dont know why..I just like it heheheee..

    Wahh..your wife must have a lot of shoes collections at home isn't.. hehe..

    Yes..i did got a perfume to my sister and she really loves it..

    Have a great week.. :)
