
09 September 2009


Today is 090909. So, maybe some of you might have an idea what 090909 is about. Maybe this is your lucky number hehe..

Once in a lifetime..

For those who born on this day, HAVE A BLESSED BIRTHDAY and for those who get married today CONGRATULATIONS..

No matter what event you are in today, hope this date give something special for you to remember..

Have a great day.. :)


  1. hi stella,,how's ur 090909..hehe

    sama pla tajuk kita ari ni kn :)
    bcos today's number is of course special

    hmm..i wish my wedding date is 090909..cantik ba, n senang mau ingat..haha

  2. Hi Nc,
    ya ba sama pla.. nah tu la ko nda book wedding on 9.9.09 hehe..

    wlu apa pun..harap2 090909 meninggalkan memori yg baik pd diri kita masing2..;)

  3. Hi Stella, I never realised that the date is all 9's, ha ha. Wow! Better go check my lottery tickets, ha ha.
    By the way, you look lovely in your profile pic.
    Was that portrait taken by a professional photographer?
    You sure got a killer smile, *wink*.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  4. Hi U.Lee,

    haha..u better check ur lottery tickets..

    That profile pic of mine was taken by myself..hehe..
    "killer smile"??.. i take tht as a compliment.. Thanks..:)

    Have a great weekend..

  5. most people (to be friends) buy a lottery ticket hehee

  6. Hi Alv,

    is it?..haha funny.. ramai kwn sya ckp gitu jg..mau beli numbur hehehe

    u hv a pleasan weekend..:)

  7. It's just another date for me, but good excuse for men to "encourage" their women to get hitched on the day, i.e. mass weddings, to bring the costs down! Hahahaha! Evurl fellas!

  8. Hi Gallivanter.
    i bet u did the same hehe..

    thanks for visiting here..u hv a great weekend.
