
08 August 2009

A Happy Life..Something to Share..

All of us here in this world wish to be lived in a blissful life.. Wish to be faced with good things everyday..Always hope for great news.. Always need someone to cheer our life.. Always try to do the best for our loved one, family and friends even for ourselves.. But do you know that all these things will occur in your life if you are really opened your heart to it and be as the first doer..?

I always try to please myself by pleasing others especially to my loved one..and family as well as friends. It feel great to see their smile.. Especially on occasion like birthdays, valentine’s day, mother’s day, father’s day and etc, I really do love to show my appreciation to them by presenting gifts. The heart satisfaction really can’t be explained. You can’t imagine how you feel great about this.. Seeing someone you love being happy, filled with wonder and delight of by what you did to them.. I did it sincerely and of course not hoping for return.. Indirectly, I already get my part as a result of this. return, I got this wonderful feeling of satisfaction by just looking at their smile and happiness..

A happy life can be acquired everyday.. True, it’s not just by special occasion or by on purpose. It can be done in a simple way.. With this, your life will filled with simple way but so much in happy mood.. a happy life.

So...what do you do today to make your life happy?..

20 Keys To A Happy Life might help you to accomplish a happy life and to lead you to a wonderful state of life.. Don’t hesitate to review each of the keys and honestly mark each one that you do as well as the ones that you don't do. You can try implementing the ones you don't currently. See whether it produces a difference in your life..

I did these and along the way it works.. and now I’m trying to implement those which are I still don’t do.

I believe that Happiness is created by God, but we are the one who should practice it in order to achieve it.. Good Luck.. Have a great day..:)

20 Keys To A Happy Life
By Author Unknown

1) Compliment 3 people everyday
2) Watch a sunrise
3) Be the first to say "hello"
4) Treat everyone as you want to be treated
5) Live beneath your means
6) Forget the Joneses
7) Never give up on anybody - miracles happen!
8) Remember someone's name
9) Be kinder than you have to be
10) Wish not for things, but for wisdom and courage
11) Be tough-minded, but tender hearted
12) Don't forget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated
13) Keep your promises
14) Leave everything better than you found it
15) Show cheerfulness even when you don't feel it
16) Remember that winners do what losers don't want to do
17) Remember that overnight success usually takes 15 years
18) When you arrive at your job in the morning, let the first thing you say brighten everyone's day
19) Don't rain on other people's parades
20) Don't waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them!



  1. I love this three...:)

    12) Don't forget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated

    13) Keep your promises

    14) Leave everything better than you found it

    But for me, i always try that before i want to make someone happy, i myself have to be happy 1st, then the vibe will just automatically attract other pple to be happy around me.... :)

  2. Hi claire,

    how coincidende..i love those too.. You are right..once we feel happy, we'll send the vibe to people around us.. we did happy things because we are happy..and indirectly people around us also can feel the bliss.

    Have a great weekend!.. God bless.

  3. Hi,

    Laughter is one of life's great pleasures and a primary signal of friendship :)


  4. Hi arif,

    yea..Laughter is the best medicine.. Practise happiness and try to acquire it as many as u can..:)
