
06 August 2009

Family Matters..

2 weeks ago, we celebrated mom and dad birthday. Taken place at Grace Point, it was fun Saturday. Mom and dad were so happy with the present I gave them and of course as well as the cake. The whole family had fun at Grace Point. After having meal, I think it was around 5pm.. Chit chat and there we go, the photoshoot session at the monument.. Having fun while photoshooting.. and I never spend my whole life with my family like this before.. because they’re homely type of person. They really seldom to do an outdoor activity and for the whole of my life since I was kid, birthday celebration only took place at home. Now, I tried to do some changes..make life more fun and memorable..

mom and dad..

again..the family..

It was tiring weekend I had but really fun.. My weekend packed with several things because.. for your information, before I when to Grace Point to celebrate mom and dad birthday, me and hubby had plan for karaoke session. My schedule on that busy Saturday starting with went to office in the morning for a half day work.. and then headed to KKbox Karamunsing. This was the first time we (me and hubby) were there and so as did karaoke. Feels awkward for the first time especially my hubby. He really always never like to sing.. but somehow I really appreciate his effort for trying his best to have fun with me and..for my shocked his voice was not bad though hehe.. Then right after that we proceed to Grace Point.. We went to Grace Point for 2 times actually on the same day. That was because, as the birthday celebration was over and we were on our way back to home, sis-in-law sent a text message to invite us for dinner at Grace Point.. Therefore, after rested a while at home, we went out again to the same venue as before. Such a tiring day, but worth it..because it was family matter and I know these were good things. Spending more time with beloved family, remind me of that it helps us to keep the family bond close together.

we were seriously singing haha.. concentrating..

hubby try hard to sing haha!

And so last Saturday, another celebration was on. That was my youngest brother’s birthday. He turns to 21st this year and I planned to pour on a memorable day for him, despite it was just a simple celebration. This time we celebrated it at home. Not at my parent’s home, where we were grew up. It was at my house at Jalan Minintod. And now I realized, that was the first birthday celebration ever celebrated in there since we moved in. We bought the house last year and did a housewarming on last June..and there was the first birthday celebration here. Prayer for blessing of the food, cutting cake session and of course photoshoot session and having good food.. Plus the delicious cake.. ;)

Cody turns to 21st..

with the birthday boy..

the whole family.. :)

Yes.. it was fun fun fun weekend.. all in one..all are family matters.

Can’t wait for this coming weekend. Another celebration on 8th August... Mom and Dad 28th wedding anniversary...

Happy Anniversary To Mom and Dad.. Blessed,Blissful and Everlasting Marriage Life Journey..


  1. very busy week kan that time dear.. :)

  2. very lovely family..i love bringing out my family too,, kasi happy dorang n diri sndri hehe :)

  3. dear, true..such a busy week..this coming week also busy..

    nc, thanks..i'm sure u got lovely family too.. yes, true..i feel very happy to see them happy...:)

    claire, teda si fabian sini,,dia jarang d kk. dia keja d tawau..

  4. I love my family! I can’t wait for Hari Raya and Christmas because I get to spend time with my famil especially with those whom I don’t see often!

    I love you guys more than you know. I would give my life for any one of you if need be. I dont know what i would do if i lost any one of you.


  5. Hi arif,

    Same here.. family is the best we ever had here one earth..

    I Love my family too..and wish to cherish every moment with them.. no matter in what form to do that..but as long as they are very happy, i'll appreciate it every inch of it..

    So, one of those things tht i like to do is.. to patch the memories in tht the memorable day cant be vanished easily..
