
13 August 2009

Pack August

I can’t imagine why August be a pack month for me.. I thought last July was really a busy as well as a packed month for me. Yes.. I started to feel that August is a pack month for me on the first week of August when one by one invitations keep coming to us (me n hubby). And all of them are the family matters. So, as a family member, I don’t want to ruin the happiness since they’re planned for it. So, I told myself, go Stella.. you can do it..hehe.. Each weekend in August now is a busy weekend for me.. But never mind September will be a relaxing one.. I hope so..

And on top of that..they are all enjoyable happy myself walaupun banyak duit keluar ni bulan..haha!!.

My weekend schedule
1st August – Youngest bro birthday celebration
8th August – Mom and Dad wedding anniversary
9th August – Father in-law birthday celebration
15th August- i) Friend’s wedding and her hubby to-be is my hubby’s cousin. (afternoon)
- ii) Sis in-law house warming ceremony. (evening)
16th August – Hubby’s niece birthday celebration
22nd August – Sis in-law farewell party.

And as for the Merdeka Day Holiday.. we didn’t plan anything yet for now..wait till all those things pass through, then we’ll try to find a better place to visit by..or just hang around at home also is a good idea.. But I really looking forward to jalan-jalan hehe..

p.s: hmmm..thinking of where’s the best place to jalan-jalan aa..and worth for money also..hehe


  1. bz o..hehe..all the best with the various happennings..msti siok tu :)

  2. oiii!!! BZbee ooo... ;) Didnt realise you are a blogger too! Will link yours to mine! ;)

  3. hi nc,
    iya bz ni hehe..iya hope so la happening ni.. same goes to you..harap2 u do well for ur wedding plan tu ok..:)

  4. hi Joan,

    thanks for visiting by.. iya la ni..sya pun terheran tiba2 pandai bz..:)

    Tu la,sya pun br realise u are a blogger ba hehe..after i read ur shoutout sana fb br la sya p tgk2 blog ko. eh..celine daya ba kan ur name on fb tu..

  5. Hi Stella,

    No matter how busy your schedule would be, no matter what your circumstances, you owe it to yourself to take time out of your daily lifefor what relaxes you and helps you to unwind.


  6. Hi arif, matter your life kan..hehe..that what life is about..

  7. let's go jalan-jalan to somewhere peaceful this end of month dear.. mybe kundasang.. :)

  8. yes dear,

    mari la..hehe..siok ni jalan2..kasi tenang fikiran..sambil photo session hihihi :P
