
18 September 2014

New Toy, Happy Mode On :)

Hello dear readers,
How is your day today?.. I hope everything is good. No matter what happened today, be grateful for even a small thing. 

I am grateful for everything, for every blessings that God has granted my family and me as well today. Yes, i am just only an ordinary human. It is undeniable there are times i doubted something, feels down and depressed. 

But all that is the process of living and i know God never leaves me. He always be there for me and it is up to me to open my heart to let He enters in. 

Yes, absolutely. I will lean everything onto Him. Especially when it seem the whole thing hurts and no one I can lean onto anymore. He is my healer and always cheers me up in the right time, right place with His power of Love. Praise to GOD! :)

Well, I am smiling ear to ear since yesterday because i got a new toy haha! 

Are you able to guess what my new toy could be?.. Could it be another new mixer? an oven? cake decoration tools?.. or another gadget?.. Haha.. you named it.

It is surely related with baking but slightly different from cakes or cookies. I don't know. I never make this thing before though haha..

So, now i reveal it. Get ready...

It is actually...


I dreamt to have my own breadmaker since early this year but i keep it in my heart. I don't know if we can afford one. Till, few days ago i voiced it out to my husband.

So, yesterday he bought me this...


A Breadmaker from Cookworks brand. I don't know how good is this brand but before hubby decided to purchase, i did some reviews checking. Overall so far, the reviews are excellent and it is said this particular model is value for money. So, wait till i try it out myself and blog about it later. 

Unfortunately, i cannot use this breadmaker too soon because I'm gonna ship it out to KK. We will fly back to KK next month so, there are several goods that we will ship them out earlier before we fly back to our hometown.

Here it is. Impressive feature. 

Complete with instruction manual and recipe book. >_<

Okay, hubby jadi model skijap. Just to show you the actual size of that breadmaker haha.. Quite big isn't it?.. Oh i don't know though because I never see any breadmaker closely before, this is my first time. :)

I can't wait to make my own bread!.. :) 

That is all for now. Thank you for visiting here. :)


p/s: Actually i got 2 new toys. I'll share the other one in my next entry. In the meantime you can guess what it could be. Ok let me give one clue. It is related with cooking.. hehe.. :)


  1. lagi besar dr rice cooker kaitu? fuhh... waa...kena ship sdh brg2?

    1. Ya besar dr rice cooker juga sya tgk Just.. Ya baru mau ship kunun hehe

  2. brp la ni? sioknya ada BM..blh bikin roti sndri suda..

    1. 39.99pound. Ya inda sabar suda sya mau buat roti sendiri hehe

  3. yeah yeah...siok ada breadmaker sendiri. tambah rajin la ko bake2 ni kan stella? hehe

  4. suda try ka stelle..nnt sa mau pujuk ni laki mau beli ni breadmaker

    1. blm lg Beaty.. blm sampai lagi tu barang sebab sya ship kan tu ari hehe
