
20 September 2014

A Gloomy Friday vs A Happy Friday

Oh what a gloomy Friday. This cold weather makes me lazy. It's hard to get off from the bed. Feels like i want to sleep all day long. Oh, i am a MOM, i cannot do that! LOL

The house agent actually contacted my husband through a phone call few days ago telling that she would come by today to view the house at around 1pm. Now at 4 hours later, she still didn't turn up. I wanted to do my daily yoga routine but i'm afraid that she'll suddenly knocks the door haha! Well, i'm feeling lazy today though so the yoga session has been cancelled. I guess it is because of the weather too LOL.

I'm in the mood to selfie with lil boy though haha. Look at his smiles. I just can't take my eyes from those smiles. Don't look at his mommy's face, those feeling lazy faces. Blame on gloomy weather haha! :p

Well, this parcel at least brings a good spirit to me today. At last, i received this parcel. Been waiting for it for almost a week. 

So, what's inside?..

It is a cake book actually by Rachel Allen. Been thinking to grab this book since early this year but it was too pricey for me. So, i did an online shopping through ebay and bought this at quite a cheaper price last week. Now that we will fly back to KK soon, i must buy this book before i forgot haha!

I like this book because of the clear and simple recipes. Great illustrations too. The dessert photos are really tempting. Can't wait to try those recipes. :)

Yes this is the one i was trying to hint you in my previous post. It is going to be my daily toy when i'm back in KK. I have never try using this before but by reading all those reviews, i was convinced to buy it.

The benefits of pressure cooker:

1. Foods retain most of their nutrients and are tastier
2. Saves energy
3. Saves time in preparing meals
4. The kitchen is cooler
5. Less cleaning is required
6. It is also can be used to preserve food

So, i can't wait to use my new pressure cooker! 

I love to make a bowl of meat stew, stir fry meat with soy sauce and list goes on. I can't wait to see whether the meat is going to be tastier and tender after using the pressure cooker. It is said you can cook meat at less than 5 mins. Sounds efficient right?.. :)

Okay, that is all for now. Thank you for hoping by here. Hope you had a great Friday. :)



  1. Ngam2 di sana trus beli tu buku, murah lagi kan. Kalau beli dari KK mungkin berkali ganda tu harganya....:)

  2. Seems like you had a very relaxed Friday hehe.

    Ba, looking forward to your cookings with the new pressure cooker :D

    And happy Monday yo!

  3. oh my i forgot about this. Just read just now
