
24 September 2014

Grateful Tuesday, Cold Tuesday

I am extremely happy today! 

And very grateful that finally our boxes now carried out to be shipped. Two Msians came to our place around 2pm today to picked up those boxes out. They are from a shipping company owned by Msian which the headquater located in Manchester.

I'm thankful for a friend recommended me with this shipping company. Hopefully our things will arrived safely in KK in 2 months time. :)

20 September 2014

A Gloomy Friday vs A Happy Friday

Oh what a gloomy Friday. This cold weather makes me lazy. It's hard to get off from the bed. Feels like i want to sleep all day long. Oh, i am a MOM, i cannot do that! LOL

The house agent actually contacted my husband through a phone call few days ago telling that she would come by today to view the house at around 1pm. Now at 4 hours later, she still didn't turn up. I wanted to do my daily yoga routine but i'm afraid that she'll suddenly knocks the door haha! Well, i'm feeling lazy today though so the yoga session has been cancelled. I guess it is because of the weather too LOL.

18 September 2014

New Toy, Happy Mode On :)

Hello dear readers,
How is your day today?.. I hope everything is good. No matter what happened today, be grateful for even a small thing. 

I am grateful for everything, for every blessings that God has granted my family and me as well today. Yes, i am just only an ordinary human. It is undeniable there are times i doubted something, feels down and depressed. 

But all that is the process of living and i know God never leaves me. He always be there for me and it is up to me to open my heart to let He enters in. 

Yes, absolutely. I will lean everything onto Him. Especially when it seem the whole thing hurts and no one I can lean onto anymore. He is my healer and always cheers me up in the right time, right place with His power of Love. Praise to GOD! :)

Well, I am smiling ear to ear since yesterday because i got a new toy haha! 

17 September 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Flowers

Flowers at Grosvenor Park. Aren't they lovely?.. Calming effect.. I love to walk around the park to view these flowers. Autumn is on the way and these flowers will vanish soon.

Oh wait! isn't this supposed to be wordless post?.. Haha 


11 September 2014

Today, A Year Ago

Today, a year ago we inside a plane heading to the UK. 

I was nervous this time around because we were travelling for a long journey ( almost 13 hours) with our lil boy. He just entered 2 year old and the fact that he might get cranky to sit on a plane for long hours made me worry. 

Traveling with small kid might be challenging but great experience. I have one kid at the moment. Hat off to those parents out there who are traveling with more kids! :)

It was my first ever experience onboard as well for this long hours journey and to the place i have never been before. I can say it was exciting but at the same time i was trembling haha..

As i recalled back in the beginning of the journey, i must be grateful and Praise to God because our little boy didn't get cranky and he sleeps almost of the hours, because our flight from Kuala Lumpur to London Heathrow scheduled at midnight (Malaysia Time). 

He sleeps throughout the journey. He did wake up for about an hour though and fall asleep again. 

It was amazing experience, good memories and like a dream comes true. But not all journey are smooth. You might encounter few obstacles before reaching your destination. Furthermore, this was our first time, right?.. :)

I still remember the moment we reached at Heathrow Airport, we lost Gabriel's stroller haha. We have to walk all the way to the departure hall again to look for the stroller.

Another thing is the thorough checking at London airport before we get another plane to Manchester Airport, with Gabriel's bottle milk, medicine and 'bosou' ( Sabah traditional cuisine). I think i'd blogged this before. 

Trust me, you'll relieved when everything falls into place, and for that you'll never fail to be grateful, the things that God has guided you. Oh, it was really a great experience!

Well, what a coincident though. Today is exactly a year we travelled to the UK and there goes my #ThrowbackThursday as today is Thursday. :)

That is all for now. Thank you for visiting here.
God bless and have a great week ahead.


10 September 2014


Have you ever heard about MNG?.. I think most you have known it before or maybe some of you didn't. I stumbled upon their website few days ago and find out it is really interesting brand with variety of fashion designs that caught my eyes. I love their style and wouldn't mind to spend money in this line to add more collections in my wardrobe. 

So what is MNG actually?..

MNG or known as Mango had been one of the successful brand name in the fashion industry. Mango offers women a wide range of outfits ranging from dresses, t-shirts, tank tops, blouses, trousers, shorts, skirts, maxi dress, jumpsuits, coats and more. 

Trust me, you will definitely be amazed with the huge collection from Mango. My eyes are rolling when i see those blouses and dresses haha!

MNG constantly produces great designs based on the fast changing fashion trends and the part i like the best is to have mostly every piece of clothing under one roof. It is definitely easy to mixmatch the clothes to suit your personal style.

There are three major looks which a woman can create with the clothing from MNG Malaysia.

The Casual Chic
The casual look is not just the plain old tee and jeanspairing but women can have a revamped appearance with other multiple casual styles according to their mood.  

Women can pull together an oversized blouse or sweater and pair it with nice cropped pants for a laid back feel or go a little bit trendy by wearing a jumpsuit. To perk up your look, accessorize your outfit with a statement necklace, sunglasses, belt or even a clutch bag.

The Sophisticated Women
The next look is catered more towards the ladies who are working in the corporate world or the 9 to 5 job. Mango offers stylish yet sophisticated outfits such as business shirts, blouses, jackets, blazers and trousers for women to wear to the office looking absolutely stunning. 

Forget those typical suits and wear Mango professional wear which are designed to accentuate your body figure and reveals your classy personality.

      The Feminine Lady
Dresses for Mango are perfect for the ladies who want to look more feminine and portray a ladylike personality. The ladies who want to attempt the sweet innocent look can opt for the floral printed dresses from Mango and layer it with a matching cardigan. 

For the women who love wearing dresses to work can also select from Mango formal dresses available in their collection. Pair it with a pair of killer high heels or go more edgy with some boots. 

If you can’t wait to try these fashion looks, try checking out ZALORA as it offers Mango online for their customers.

So what are you waiting for?.. Head over to Zalora site now and start to shop those elegant blouses and sweet dresses.. hehe :)

Thank you for stopping by here. 
Have a great day ahead, and Happy Shopping.. :)


06 September 2014

Making My First Beanie

My 1st attempt to make a beanie for our lil boy.

I'm so happy to see the outcome. I mean this crochet thing, you must have a patience heart to see the end result.

I am into crochet lately. I'm still a very beginner in crochet world. This beanie, i learnt to make it from youtube. 

I find it is interesting. As a self learn crocheting, it might be quite tricky for the first time but as i familiar with the patterns and and the way to make the chains and double crochet, it's getting fun.

So what's your hobby lately? Any new fav thing to do on your free time?.. I will make this crochet once my lil boy taking his nap. He's seeking much attention from me when he is wide awake. Biasa lah bah kan budak2.. Minta perhatian saja..

Thanks for dropping by.

Have a great weekend.

05 September 2014

Gabriel is 3!

We celebrated our lil boy's birthday on last week (25th August 2014). It was just a simple celebration for the three of us. Since our family and friends far away in KK, so here were we, just the three of us.

Since our lil boy likes minion, i made a minion deco birthday cake for him. 

The moment he saw the cake, he wanted to pinch the minion's eyes..LOL

It is a chocolate moist flavour. Glad he ate the cake, though he is not so into cake.

How time flies... Our lil boy is 3 now. And soon he will enter school. I miss when he was a newborn but at the same time can't wait to see him as a big boy..Supaya boleh tolong mummy masak dan cuci piring di dapur hahaha

I am blessed to have such a lovely and sweet family.

Thank you God for this meaningful gift.

Thank you for Your guidances and blessings.

Please lead me and my family to a better path of life according to your way. Amen 

I pray may when Gabriel grown up, he will be a good man, a good citizen, respect the elders, keep in faith in Jesus Christ and loving to his parents. A good career in life,  generous and kindhearted. Amen ..

Thank you for reading here. Have a great day ahead.
