
30 December 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

Hello everyone!
Yesterday supposed to be my 6th wedding anniversary but i'm not gonna write about our anniversary for now coz i'm going to post about our preparation for Christmas this year. I'll post about our anniversary soon, of course.

For the 1st time in our life, we celebrated Christmas that are thousand miles from our hometown. With just a simple dinner on Christmas eve and attended Masses as well.

29 December 2013

Our Birthday December 2013

Hubby threw me a surprise birthday gift again. This time he put the gift above my head while i was sleeping. To be honest, I didn't expect any gift. All i want was, he always be there for me on my birthday. Unfortunately, he has to attend class for the whole day during my birthday. Therefore, i think that was why he threw me a surprise gift at exactly 12am on 13 Dec. 

I was quite sad actually that he couldn't spend time with me on my birthday. But, then we could celebrate again 4 days later.

10 December 2013

December 2013

December 2013.

The most memorable December in my life after December 2007 ( my wedding). 

I cherish everything. I'm grateful for everything. I thank you God for everything.

I couldn't thank God enough.

Sometime i didn't pray to God for an easy life, but i pray for courage and perseverance. Sometime when there's seem no hope, God is really there. 

 Me in King Dancer's Pose / Natarajasana

Patient and perseverance are worth for those who trust in the Lord. I did not came from a well-off family. But i'm grateful for everything that God has planned for me and for my family.

Praise to God.


06 December 2013

I am on

Hi dear readers,
Just to let you know that I am Been on since 27 November 2013. So what is actually?.. is actually an application that enable you to blog right away from your smartphone. Some called it as microblogging because you can blog your daily stories directly from your smartphone and not only that, uploading photos and videos on your blogpost are so easy too. It looks like is very convenient for the bloggers.

From now on i can blog out wherever i am, at anytime anywhere as long as there is internet line/ wifi. With blogging life much more easy. 

Just the thought of transferring photos to laptop sometime makes me lazy to update my blog. Therefore, is much more easier at the moment.

So if you happened to sign in to, please follow me at I've posted 8 posts so far in there.

Thank you for your time. 
Take care.. :)