
02 March 2012


Lately, there were a lot of cases involving abusing toddler at nursery. The death of an infant also increasing due to the careless of caretakers in nursery. Most of the infants died from milk choke.

Few months ago, in fact several weeks ago I came across a news about infants age 2 months old and 6 months old died from milk choke at nursery. I heard cases as similar as these many times. And I don't know why they never learn from the past. 

Most of the employees at nursery have to handle a lot of babies. I think that was the most reason why such cases been reported increasing lately. How a person have to handle 5 babies at the same time?.. And I've been wondering are they experienced enough to take care of the babies?..

baby chokes easily while drinking bottle milk

I read about a 9 months old baby died too because of the baby left alone with a blanket. The baby wrapped himself with the blanket and died. He can't breath, suffocated by the blanket. The caretaker was handling another baby; bathing another baby. And she left the other baby on his own. That was really unacceptable!

And a few days ago, an employee spread a video about toddlers were wrapped and their mouth put on sellotape while they were sleeping. And later found out, the ex-employee only doing that purposely to sabotaged her ex-employer. This another thing I couldn't ever understand. Why she had to do that to the toddlers?.. Why she had to put the toddlers in that way?.. How could she.. being heartless?.. I saw the video and it was really heartbreaking.. And it traumatized me.. :(

And last night, as I surfed the internet,  I saw a news posted by a friend in an FB group about a toddler at a nursery abused by a caretaker. She put on sellotape on his face especially on the mouth. His hand also been tied. As I saw the photo, my heart really pounding, fills with anger and in sorrow to saw the toddler being treated in that way.. :(

 A toddler being tied and his face was put on sellotape.

All these news really traumatized me.. I can't imagine if my little Gabriel being treated in that way. And I promised to myself, I really don't want to send my little Gabriel to a nursery, ever. I don't want anything bad happen to him. As a mother/ parent, you would feel how I feel. I am sure most of parents out there would agree with me. No mother or father wants their kids being treated in bad way.. 

I pray may all the babies and toddler even kids at playschool being take care with love and in appropriate way. May GOD protecting them by sending HIS angels. 

Indeed, a child is a precious gift by GOD. Don't let others ruin this gift..

And I pray, may the bad people in these cases will be judged fairly. Please don't ever let them go just like that. Bring justice for the sake of the small victims.



  1. Susah kan mau pikir; nursery or orang gaji. Dua2 pun sa takutt. So moi, r u decided to be full time housewife or back to work? Well, you choose to back to work, kena cari penjaga baby ko yg betul2 bulih diharap. (^^)

    1. Tu la, trauma ni sya skrg uhuhuu..
      If i choose to go back to work, tpksa minta tolong the in laws kali mo jaga..

  2. sa pun risau pula kalau sa suda ada anak..bahaya bh taru d nursery tu.....kalau tada pilihan lain sa antar anak sa d kg ni biar mama sa jaga..but berjauhan lah..

    1. Bgus lg gitu beaty.. Tdk apa berjauhan asal kan the baby is safe..

  3. banyak tu sya npk kwn2 post yg video di nursery di fb..sya x snggup tgk. sekali smlm nampak di tv juga..ouch! gila punya org buat begitu..bkikn takut o. ya harap2 dorang diberi hukuman yg setimpal..

    1. Tdk sanggup tgk kan.. Tu la harap2 kena punish la tu org..

  4. i would never ever as well send my baby/toddler in a nursery. trus masuk pre school lain kali..hehe :)

    i was never in a nursery myself.
    bnyk ba kn sodara2 yg bleh boleh, why not. :)

    these people should be punished.

    1. Ya ba Nc.. Nursery is not safe place for babies/ toddler anymore..

  5. stella, b4 ada anak, me n my husband decided mo jd parents yg bekerjaya even we hv children..after having my first daughter, dgr itu ini, me n hubby decide biarla aku jd housewife, meaning laki kena kerja keras utk x apa la, yg penting anak dpt jaga klu yg parents keja tuh mmg no choice la kan..:(

    1. Betul tu Lina. Better jaga sendiri tu anak. Ini kita penat2 beranak, org lain senang2 p dera or kasi mati. Drg kena byr utk buat keja yg bagus..

  6. hi stella..
    Byk kes mcm n now..kin trauma sja kan..better jga sndiri.
    my colleague byk yg send anak dorang p ruma jiran yg jga anak..
    slmat sikit mcm tu dorang ckp...

    1. Ya, better jaga sendiri. Saya ni trauma sdh oh sabrina. Even neighbour pun sya susah mo percaya ni..

  7. Yeah~ Parents do worry about it. :)


  8. I saw that last pic before in fb too.. And the original one wothout sencored the face... Oh my gish.. I am so angry when i saw that.. If my kids kena buat mcm tu.. I will definately tumbuk tu org.... ( bah jagaaaa hahaha).... And now i see this pic again... My ange came bck.... Marah betul.

    1. U did?..OMG..sya x sanggup..huhuhu :(
      Mmg bikin marah ba.. betul2 heartless ini org..

  9. Hi Stella, really sad read about this....

  10. pity the babies :( i hope adults can be more responsible for this!

    Latest: Pick The Best from The Rest!

    1. i hope so.. people should be more aware about this as our children is a precious gift from GOD.

  11. I heard this story time news TV3, so sad the children yg jadi mangsa kan, btw, if you decided to back work better send to ur mom or mom in law at least you feel safe ni

    1. oh..if only words as easy as deed.. hmm.. but it was really traumatized me..
