
29 February 2012

He is Strong Enough

As we all know today, 29th February 2012 is a Leap Day. 
It appears once in every 4 years.

So how you celebrate your Leap Day?

 Well, we (3 of us) went to Klinik Ibu dan Anak Penampang today for our little Gabriel's 6 months old appointment.

We reached at KKIA Penampang at 8am, and to my disappointment, we were only entertained at 11am. Mau dekat half day juga ba mau tunggu kami punya turn.. Punya lama.. Kepala pun berasap suda.. Gabriel pun sampai 2 kali tertidur just mau tunggu kami punya turn.. poor Gabriel..hmm!

 I really couldn't understand how they manage the time. It feels like there's no use to set an appointment with the clinic. Ada appointment pun sama juga kena layan macam walk in..hmm..

As I said before, it was Gabriel's 6 months old appointment. He received 2 jabs today. I felt very sad as I saw him jabbed at his hand and thigh. Dia menangis ba kena jab dua kali tu.. sedih saya tengok dia.. :(  It was for hepatitis and measle immunization

However, we were really proud of Gabriel. He was really strong enough. Lepas kena jab, sekejap ja dia nangis. Lepas keluar dari klinik, ketawa2 and lompat2 suda dia.. When I see this, my heart felt so relieved and I didn't worried anymore about how he had to suffer the pain of the twice jabs. 

Seeing he smiling really made my day. Thank you GOD, everything is fine. Until now (11.33pm), Gabriel still okay..Tiada tanda-tanda demam. (suppose to be mesti ada demam tu, according tu nurse la.. itu side effect of the jabs) 

And we have to wait again another 6-10 days whether the fever will appear or not. Hopefully nothing worse happen. I pray may Gabriel will always in good condition. :D

Little Gabriel playing hide and seek..  
LOL actually dia sedang tidur ba ni.. Memang gaya dia tidur gitu.. :D

That was my Leap Day..hehe.. How about you?.. 
You post about it. I'll come over to read.. :D

GOD bless.



  1. Hi Stella, so glad the little fellow getting stronger.
    I can imagine your anxiety.
    Children when very young can make parents lintang pukang.....
    But they sure grow up fast.
    You stay easy, and keep a song in your heart.
    Wishing Gabriel a quick recovery.

    1. Thanks for visiting here Uncle Lee. Ya indeed.. Now i know how our mom and dad feels about us.
      And you are right, children grow up fast. Now my lil Gabriel is 6 months and soon become 1 year. Time flies.. :)

  2. hye stel! i have same experience with gov. clinic..
    dorg bg itu trainee yg pigi jarum, then the trainee suka2 sja berebut2 sapa yg mo jarum, like my doter is experiment for them..then my dad meet other parents yg anak dia kena jarum d klinik sma, trainee pigi jarum kena d saraf, anak dia lumpuh, smc yg kasi confirm anak dia lumpuh sbb terkena suntikan pada saraf utama..and that was my my kids vaccine only private clinic, coz we direct with the doctor, not the nurse..sepatutnya my Dayyan, kena vaksin mcm anak ko tuh, dua doc tuh kasi hepititis first, next month br bg measle..

    1. OMG..bagi trainee yg kasi jarum.. kalau saya, saya pun x mau.. maybe my hubby will ask for the experienced nurses.
      Kesian ur dad punya fren anak dia kena buat gitu. The trainee patut mo kena saman tu kan.. bahaya oh klu begitu.. Saya takut oh.. uhuhu..:(

      Si gabriel, immunization yg biasa kami minta d gov clinic but yg pneumococcal punya vaksin kami mau minta d private sbb lgpun tiada d gov tu..

    2. next month dayyan ambil pneumococcal..

      bkn my dad fren, tp dorg tesatu kreta, itu laki bini dr hospital pakar sndkn..actly, dats laki bini org kampung2 gitu..mungkin dorg x faham sgt psl law, ataupun dorg x terdaya mo heret dat nurse..

      tp jab yg dua kali tuh, actlly ble ambil asing2..soo bdk tidak sandi sgt..cuma gov. tidak bg pilihan bgitu..

    3. I see.. Oh yg 2 jab blh ambil asing2 pula..klu tau awal2 better buat gitu.. Maybe blh request kan.. Oh buat seja d private..

  3. Glad that Gabriel is doing fine! :) Ashley's next jab will be on the 26th. Harap2 saya inda menangis tingu dia meraung, nasip yang baru2 ni sa inda teikut dia nangis. Hahaha..

    1. AnnieMing, mmg menangis tu kena jarum. Cuma either dia nangis lama or sekejap saja.. Si gabriel so far dia tdk pernah nangis lama.. And tidak pernah demam lepas kena jab which is sepatutnya ada side effect demam.. maybe Gabriel ni strong baby la kunun LOL..

      So, before si Ashley kena jarum, makesure ko kasi nenen dia kenyang2 la..supaya nnti dia kena jarum dia x nangis lama..:)

  4. leap day sa sangat penat.. he he he.. kerja3.. then tiba2 internet sihat, trus buat post comeback kunun.. :D..

    1. LOL..ya lama ko menghilang oh Aki..sya cari2 ko tu hihi..:)

  5. Stella, hearing your story reminds me of my child when he was just a baby. Don't worry about the fever, it'll soon subside. Motherhood has brought so much happiness to me & I hope it does to u too :) Thks for sharing! Brings back fond memories.....

    1. Thanks for the comfort words. So far he never suffer fever after jabs. I hope this one will be like tht too.. I know he such a strong baby. I feel blessed. Thank GOD.. :)
      I am glad this post brought u fond memories :)

  6. kenapa tidak mau kasi tingu muka ..haha

  7. awww...poor little gabriel..glad that everything's okay now.. :)

    1. Ya.. i hope towards 6-10 days he is in good condition too.. Really worry if he have to suffer the fever. I rather take the fever in return for him to be in good condition..

  8. aduh punya pandai dia kasi tapuk muka gorigitan o saya..hehe

    1. hahaha..dia tapuk muka dia time tidur.. x mau kasi tingu org..LOL

  9. Aww... cutenya baby Gabriel tidur.. gaya macam org tua hehehe... Wahh he is so brave ya, I mean about the jab. Good boy. Hope he is doing ok and no fever. There's nothing more distressing for a parent than to see their little baby being subject to pain. But what to do these jabs are a must kan.
    Muah muahh little darling..

    1. Ya, it's a must oh the jabs.. For his own good juga. Mmg heartbreaking, but what to do.. have to hold the tears for a while.. mcm mo nangis ba sya tingu dia kena jarum..uhuhuu..:(

  10. adeh kiut d gab..tutup muka ni..

    wah dia tada fever ka..selalunya kan stelle ada fever tu..Yay chayo bb gab!

    1. Ya, selalunya ada fever tu.. So far skrg dia oka seja.. Thank GOD, dia ok ok seja.. ketawa2 lumpat2 lg dia..hehe..
      Kiut kan dia tidur tutup muka hehehe..:P

  11. Kebykn klinik kerajaan mmg mcm tu ba stella..

    Cumil baby ko tidur.. buli main peek-a-boo..hahaha

    1. LOL.. tunung..cumil kan gaya dia tidur..
      Ya, tdk dinafikan gov punya klinik mmg gitu..uhuhuhu..

  12. I enjoyed my leap days in BorneoTip Lodge in Simpang Mengayau celebrating birthday of friend father's. Enjoying the sun. sunrises, sunset, blue and clear sea, band of music, foods.

    Proud of Gabriel, he is strong baby..btw, he so cute. Malu2 lagi kena gambar bah...

    1. wah..u datang here in Kudat?.. if i know u datang here..boleh kita jumpa hehe.. Last saya pigi simpang mengayau yg masa saya pregnant si Gabriel 5 bulan..nanti mau p sana lg lah bawa gabriel hehe..

      Dia tdk tau dia kena gambar tu Alv..dia sedang tidur tu..LOL
