
20 March 2012

My Baby is Sleeping Well..

Yes..indeed. This is the secret on how my baby sleeps well during the night.

My baby is sleeping well with these Johnson Bedtime Products. :D

Baby Bedtime bath by Johnson & Johnson

Baby Bedtime Oil by Johnson & Johnson

Baby Bedtime Powder by Johnson & Johnson

Haven't try it before?.. Try it..:)
I know it might different with each baby. But it works for Gabriel..:)

We didn't have to wake up at frequently at night to nurse Gabriel. We need to wake up only 2 times to give him milk. That was ever since he entered 2 months old.

Now, he is entering 7 months old, he seldom wake up 2 times at night. We have to give him milk only one time during the night. In fact, this became his sleeping pattern right from he was 5 months old.

So, why don't you have a try for your baby?..:)
Who knows it might works.. :D


  1. oh kalo brand ini mimang mendapat kepercayaan dan kepuasan hati dari pengguna o..:)

  2. Hi Stella, this Johnson powder whatever has been round years, since I was young too.
    Infact my wife sometimes uses it too.
    I love the scent......never changed all the years.....I know at least 3 generations have used this.
    You have a nice day, have fun with baby.

    1. Ya, i believe this product has it own strength. That is why it has been rounded for years..:)
