
17 March 2012

It Is Always Better To Double Check

Hello everyone.
It's been a while. Today I want to share with you about my experience purchasing goods at Giant. Been experiencing this situation for many times though. However, this time around luckily we found out it before we even reached home. :)

I would like to share with you out there who are always purchasing goods/ groceries at Giant Hypermall. It is always better to double check with the prices that been charged for you. The prices might not tally with the final scan at the counter.

Yesterday, we (hubby and I) went to Giant Kolombong to shopped some groceries. It happens that I bought 2 pieces of Gabriel's pyjamas which were stated RM7.99 each at the price tags. 

And we discovered that the prices suddenly became RM14.99 each after the scanned. By the time we discovered the differences of prices, we already did the payment.

Unsatisfied with the situation, hubby went to the purchasing counter again to argue about the matter. Luckily, we managed to refund our money back.

 The receipt. 
Written with blue pen were the actual prices.

 These are the pyjamas.

Okay, that's it for today. I bet some of you might experienced the same, isn't it?..

Sharing is caring. :D

Have a blessed weekend. 


  1. nasib perasan kan stel.. beza banyak owhh!! sia selalu tgk d skrin durang time drg scan price tag.. tp kalau d tesco, sibuk packing barang sampai nda tertgk. tp after byr, sia cek jg la tu resit. :)

    1. ya ba Just. Nasib sya perasan..klu suda smpai rumah, malas lg balik mo p tagih2 sana..

  2. omg...bahayanya...but i never double checked my bills..huhu..will do it next time!

  3. Thank u for reminding.. I always seldom check my receipt.. :(

  4. My experience was our streamyx bill. Bulih-bulih dia terdouble print itu monthly charge RM110 pigi RM220 di bill? Gosh. Nasip baik inda lama datang juga SMS pemberitahuan durang double printed. Inda juga buang masa menunggu dialing itu customer service yang lagi banyak bunyi nee-nee-neeet dari urang becakap.. Haha!

    1. ya baru sya teringat..mcm kami pun ada masalah gitu. but next punya bill dia deduct balik.. :)

  5. Hish, buli beli 2 set lagi pyjamas lagi kan stell tu beza harga...Sia pun selalu double check harga if shooping di Giant sbb selalu ada diff tag price sama counter punya harga..

    1. ya, Giant selalu gini. Tu la jauh ba beza harga dia..

  6. klu Giant mmg begitu.. selalu..

    anyway, ada dorang punya polisi yg mana, pelanggan hanya dibenarkan membayar harga yang rendah, sama ada yg kena scan atau yang diprint d bahagian rak..

    1. really..? thanks for the info. skrg sya tau suda hehe

    2. By the way, Joanne, i couldn't see ur blog.. maybe it is because of ur setting.

  7. adih buli2 durang ni tau..Giant one of the supermarket sa inda suka p bah..

    doubles owh tu harga stelle

  8. Giant and Survey, I had such experienced at both supermarket. Since then, I suka check directly to the monitor after they scanned the items. Kadang2 kesilapan dari teknikal or cashier tu sendiri. You are right, mesti mau double check.

  9. Ya sa pun encountered this problem a few times at Giant....mesti mo double check. most of the times sa pi to price scanner mo check harga if sa ragu sebab durang punya price tag tu items salah2 tempat

    1. ya, salah2 tempat tu price tag kena simpan..mau kena check betul2 tu..

  10. saya pernah juga begini, dan memang p sana counter asked for explanation n refund money. Selalu bha di Giant tu, di displaying rack salah2 tu harga kena tulis. time promosi lah yg selalu byk mslh. Harga di price tag x sama ngan di counter tu..

    1. ya, tu la time ni time promotion la kunun tu.. salah2 drg taruh hrga..luckily ini mmg betul hrga dia..

  11. Thks for sharing your unpleasant experience! I've never checked my receipts. Mmmm.... bad habit! I must be more careful from now...

  12. sia jarang2 juga re-check my bill but usually when i bought things, i will estimate the amount am gonna pay before proceed to the payment if it's slightly off of what i calculated, baru sia double check the bill.

    1. Oh, ngam juga la begitu tu chegu..kira2 dulu bila mau p bayar.. at the same time blh estimate brp duit yg ada dlm purse kan hehe
