
18 January 2012

Fun and Want To Do it Again ;)

Last Saturday, I went helping my hubby doing his photography work.
It was really fun. And I am willing to do it again.

Though it was tiring, it was fun to do it. 
I mean I was able to see the special moment of others wedding and really happy to capture the blissful moments.

I Love to see those smiles. Those happy smiles must be kept in pictures especially on a big day like this.
For an info, my hubby is a part-time photography for an event especially in actual wedding event.

This is the 2nd time I helped my hubby doing his photography work. This time, the whole day event started at Tamparuli, where the bride done her makeover at a bridal shop. We managed to shoot the makeover moment. 
The wedding vow was done at St John Church in Tuaran, meanwhile the wedding reception was held at Tun Fuad Hall in Penampang. 

Yes, indeed it was tiring. But to see those happiness smiles reminds me my own wedding around 4 years ago.. :)

Mcm mau kawin lagi balik pula..hehehe..
This shot taken by me. (without touched-up/unedited)
Cukup lah satu seja..hehe.. nanti bride marah klu upload bnyk2 LOL.:P

Till then, have a great Wednesday :)

13 January 2012

Let's Do Some Yoga

LOL.. Actually these were just several pictures of Gabriel doing some stretching while playing with his toy. That was as early as 7am. Yes, he woke up really early every morning. Mostly around 5am to 6am. He always did funny things that I couldn't forget. I think this was the first time he did so. He put his leg up as high as he could. I found it was really funny. Indeed that was really a priceless moment. ( those mommies out there would really get what i mean )

He is growing really fast. I am afraid that i could not see those moments anymore. :(
I don't want to miss those priceless moments. Therefore i always capture the moments as many as i can.

Let those special moments be kept in pictures. So that they will not vanish as time goes by. And to reminds me how priceless this God's gift is. I pray that he will be always taken care by GOD because this gift is really owned by GOD.

My task is bringing him up into this world, as well as taking him with well care so that one day he will be good to others and live his life according to GOD's will ; responsibilities of a mother given by GOD.

Well, just to share those pics and some thought with you. ;)

Till then. Have a fun Friday.

P/s: Today is Friday the 13th. So, kenapa la kunun?.. LOL

12 January 2012

January Celebration..

We are now nearly to the middle of January. Time indeed flies so fast. Feels like we were just celebrated Christmas and New Year.

Well, January will be the Chinese New Year celebration. So, what is your planning for Chinese New Year?.. For me, maybe do some family gathering with the in-laws. My hubby ada mix cina, tapi sikit seja la hehe.. He decided to do some BBQ yg Korean style kunun.. And of course, mesti mau beli tu peralatan dia.. Well, kalau jadi, i will blog it out. ;)

Oh ya.. Just to share with you. My hubby was so thoughtful. He came back home yesterday with this my all time fav food.. Hehe.. ;)

Punya sedap..lama x mkn ni bambangan hehe.. Terus rasa mau makan 2 piring nasi oh..hehehe :p

Ok, till then.
Have a great week ahead. ;)

P/s: posted via ipad. Tht's why signature unavailable.. Uhuhu..

11 January 2012

Wordless Wednesday #7

Roti canai for breakfast. Yummy! Lama tidak mkn. Terasa sedap lah pula..

10 January 2012

Haven't Had So long..

I haven't had it for so long. 
I think it was like 10 years plus.

What was I talking about?..










 Yes, it was ' buah tarap'.. hehe ;)

Hubby bought it last week at this ' gerai tepi jalan' in Kota Marudu area; on our way to Kudat.
I realized i haven't had it for so long.
That's why I asked hubby to buy it. 
RM5 per 1 fruit. Don't know how she (the seller) counts it. 
Agak besar juga lah the tarap.
Puas hati makan..hehe..

It must the season suda kan.. :)
Wow.. lama tidak makan bah.. 
Sekali makan kan terasa macam sedap betul ni..hehe.. ;)

09 January 2012

Lovely Monday

Indeed it is a lovely Monday for me here in Kudat. 
At last I can see the blue sky and the sunshine. 
What a lovely weather to start a day..

After so long gloomy and heavily rain as well as the dark sky, I feel rejuvenated, fresh and reborn again.. 

 Look at the pics above. 
What happened after few days rained? Hmm..really dislike.
Our clothes couldn't dry too because of the gloomy weather for  this past few days.

But, I thank GOD for today, a bright Monday. At least it gives me hope that sunshine and blue sky still exists.
 Have a blessed week ahead. :)

05 January 2012

Christmas 2011, The Anniversary & New Year 2012

I supposed to separate the story about my Christmas 2011 celebration, wedding anniversary and New Year 2012. Well I hope it should be okay to combine it in 1 post hehe.. Forgive me if the post is too long.. Haha!

By the way, how is your new year 2012 celebration?.. What's your new resolution?.. 

As most of you know (for those who are really following my blog regularly) , the month of December is indeed the month of celebrations for me. The celebrations including hubby's and my birthday (which I posted previously), our 4th wedding anniversary, Christmas Day and New Year countdown. :). 

I am blessed to have those I love around me, especially dear hubby and our beloved lil' one, baby Gabriel Aiden. I couldn't thanked enough to GOD. I praise to GOD each day for this wonderful gift. A blessed happy and peace family I have.

Christmas Day 2011
The Christmas celebration was really simple enough though it should be meaningful year for us as baby Gabriel was there too. 25th December 2011 in the morning, started with attending Church service at the Church of Mary Immaculate Kota Kinabalu, then had breakfast at Lintas, then went for to 1Borneo Hypermall just for 'jalan-jalan'. Later, around 2.30pm, we straight away went to my parents house in Taman Bersatu for the family gathering for Christmas celebration. ;)

Our Christmas tree for 2011

 My family ;)

 Cheesecake.. delicious! Thanks Dad for this. :D

Baby Gabriel and me at CMI  ;)

 Baby Gabriel got chocolate from Santa Rina ;)

Hubby, baby Gabriel and Me with the theme colour,  RED. ;)

Wedding Anniversary
Meanwhile, our 4th wedding anniversary was on 29th Dec. Hubby gave surprise a one night stay at Kasih Sayang Resort.  A nice place to stay with the cool weather and mesmerize view. He suddenly asked me to pack our things on the 29th Dec morning. I was really had no idea, but found out he booked the place long time ago.

Thank you dear hubby for the relaxing stay. He booked a deluxe type room. The room was indeed spacious and comfy. One day I will build our bedroom just like the design. Really nice ;) And not forget the wonderful view, calm and cool weather.. It should be great for those who are in love, or for a family trip.. 

You even can do religious activity there, because I heard there was a religious group doing their spiritual retreat while we're having breakfast (we could heard the hymms they sang not far from the breakfast place). A peace hymms and spiritual songs really made our day; I felt inner peace and really thankful to GOD for what we had especially on our 4th years anniversary of marriage life. Amen! :)

 our room..

 Nah si gabriel rasmi dulu tu bed hehe..

 from other angle..opps ignore itu beg-beg sana.. :P

 us.. ;)

 behind us the nice view. It is KK view from here. ;)

 Sunset view.. Nice!!

 Night view.. Amazing!!

Mommy and Gabriel in happy mode! :) 
And oh ya, notice my hair. I cut it shorter due to terlampau bnyk rambut gugur. Tidak tahan suda, so cut lah.. ;)

 Our renewal wedding vow picture during our 3rd anniversary ;)

New Year 2012 Countdown
The new year 2012 countdown took place at my parents house in Taman Bersatu, Putatan. We ( hubby, baby gabriel and me), stayed there for a night for the countdown. Macam biasa lah, sementara tunggu pukul 12am, activity BBQ lah.. :) We had fun.. plus the BBQ food also sedap hehe..:)

Ok, let pictures do the talking. ;)

 my younger bro and hubby..

 brother and sisters ;)

 the bbq chicken wings

hubby and me ;)

And on the 2nd day of year 2012, it was my in-law turns for new year family gathering. They planned for homemade steamboat. Actually my hubby planned for steamboat restaurant, but anyhow the place was switched at my MIL house in Kg Kondis, Penampang. I found it was fun to do steamboat food at home though. This was my 1st experience having homemade steamboat and i think it wasn't really hard to prepare the dishes. ( i did not prepare the food though, busy taking care of gabriel bah hehe).

 Enjoy some pictures below. :-

the food..

 at different angle

 healthy food? hehe

 candid ;)

nice to having it at home ;)

Wow, such a long post hehe.. ;) Okay, that is all for now. Hope you enjoy this post ;)

By the way did I mentioned about my Christmas gifts?..

Yes, it is Iphone 4s from dear hubby ;) and a dress..tapi tiada dalam gambar, lupa ambil gambar bah hehe.. next time lah saya show off (ikut ayat si Wyne..hehehe..) together with Baby Gabriel's 1st Christmas presents. ;)

Till then, have a blessed week ahead. ;)