
12 January 2012

January Celebration..

We are now nearly to the middle of January. Time indeed flies so fast. Feels like we were just celebrated Christmas and New Year.

Well, January will be the Chinese New Year celebration. So, what is your planning for Chinese New Year?.. For me, maybe do some family gathering with the in-laws. My hubby ada mix cina, tapi sikit seja la hehe.. He decided to do some BBQ yg Korean style kunun.. And of course, mesti mau beli tu peralatan dia.. Well, kalau jadi, i will blog it out. ;)

Oh ya.. Just to share with you. My hubby was so thoughtful. He came back home yesterday with this my all time fav food.. Hehe.. ;)

Punya sedap..lama x mkn ni bambangan hehe.. Terus rasa mau makan 2 piring nasi oh..hehehe :p

Ok, till then.
Have a great week ahead. ;)

P/s: posted via ipad. Tht's why signature unavailable.. Uhuhu..


  1. aina...paling sadap tu bambangan o..ada mama sy baru beli di mcm tidak smpai 1minggu habis suda tu satu kontena basar..tabah ja la hehe :) happy coming chinese new year!! :)

  2. Happy CNY stelle. memng cepat tul masa berlalu kan...

    u know what stelle last time sa inda makan ni bambangan ...sekali suda makan kan..bah suka ni..

  3. err.. sa tia pandai makan bambangan yang kena kasi gini.. Ha ha ha.. :-p

  4. Aki, senteki dulu kita.. sia pun nda pandai makan bambangan yg gitu.. sia mkn mentah2.. hihihi..

    Stel, ur hubby always thoughtful bah! :)

  5. yaiy.. ko aa stella.. bikin berliur sy seja.. tu hari sy p ranau.. ada sy beli ni jeruk bambangan sm jeruk tuhau.. adei skali makan.. mcm nda mo berenti tambah nasi.. ;p

  6. alala lama sya tidak pi melawat blog ko lain pun sya tidak sudah ada masa mo lawat...anyway..cuti CNY sya besa2 jak...logop logop gitu..ehehe

  7. Keykho:
    Wa..itu baru la..cpt abis ba.. ;)

    Ya..time flies kan. Nah kan, sadap..hihi

    Ya ka..adeh..rugi oh x pandai mkn..

    Mcm si Aki juga ko aa.. Rugi oh tdk pndai mkn hihi..
    Ya, really thnkful dia bgitu.

    Adeh, ko sebut tuau pula..lama sya x mkn oh..

    Logop2 aa hihi..sya pun lama sdh tdk melawat blog ko gunsirit ;)

    Really? Why dont u try this one hehe
