
09 January 2012

Lovely Monday

Indeed it is a lovely Monday for me here in Kudat. 
At last I can see the blue sky and the sunshine. 
What a lovely weather to start a day..

After so long gloomy and heavily rain as well as the dark sky, I feel rejuvenated, fresh and reborn again.. 

 Look at the pics above. 
What happened after few days rained? Hmm..really dislike.
Our clothes couldn't dry too because of the gloomy weather for  this past few days.

But, I thank GOD for today, a bright Monday. At least it gives me hope that sunshine and blue sky still exists.
 Have a blessed week ahead. :)


  1. Ya bah kan, tu kain tidak kering habis kalu tiada matahari.

    Moi, hujan suda skrg di KK. (><)

  2. aiya.. trus sa teingat tu iklan sabun yang dia bilang tida bau biarpun jemur kain dalam rumah pada hari hujan dia bilang tu.. banjir merata2 sa dingar sana.. ya ka??

  3. dislike raining season too! smua plan mesti t'gendala, kain pn tidak kering. uhu~ btw, have a blessed Monday sis!

  4. harap2 surut lah kan tu banjir..

  5. Tu la bgus jg ruma sy dkt sungai nda banjir oo..

  6. Alalah. Banjir everywhere oh kan.. Bikin susah hati tu kalau kain inda kering. Terpaksa mau kasi kipas lah supaya ada juga yang kering2 bikin pakai lepas mandi. Hehe!

  7. wyne:
    ya ba bikin meradang. kain bnyk x kering.. sian gabriel..bnyk baju x kering.

    doi..iklan pla ko ingat hehe.. ya sini kudat bnyk yg banjir. yg tanah rendah la..

    betul. x dpt jalan2. bosan d rumah hehe..blessed day to u too :)

    harap-harap lah..

    aih bgus la gitu.. :)

    itu la tu. everyday kami letak tu baju bawah kipas. terpaksa lor.. :(
