
21 December 2011

One Fine Saturday..

It was fine Saturday. 
17 December 2011, nice weather and a meaningful day for my loved one.
Yes, it was a date which my hubby was born.

We celebrated it at Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. We went for lunch there. And it was on me.. ;) A birthday treat for him. There was no surprise gift, just a simple lunch. Yet it was meaningful and memorable because baby gabriel was there too for the 1st time. ;)

Okay, let pictures do the talk ;)

for him.. ;)

 Blessed birthday dear ;)

hubby with baby gabriel ;)

Oh and by the way, I went to salon on the same day to cut my hair.  
I got tremendous hair fall after I delivered baby gabriel. Several experienced mommies advised me to cut it, so i took their advice. Hubby encouraged me to cut my hair too..

Christmas hair.. the hair bang tidak terurus bah..deii hehe

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks for visiting here ;)


  1. Awwh~ That's nice. Meatball was born on the same date too! :)


  2. Hi, you look lovely with your new hairstyle..

    Blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones..*hugs*

  3. and oh, Happy Belated Birthday to your Richard.. a kiss for baby
    Gabriel.. *muah*

  4. Hehe, your baby bah, cute. *hugs*

  5. sia awal2 lg sdh belanja 'jeans' kasi c hubby. ahahahha... nice hair stel! nyway, merry xmas in advance.. :)

  6. Thanks for everything dear.. :) really appreciate it all..

    P.s: bila mau p lagi.. :p

  7. Great looking new hair, moi! :D

    Have a blessed Christmas ya..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours:)

  10. Greetings from Southern California

    I am Your Newest Follower

    Have a Nice Day :-)

  11. Happy Bday sama ur hub and ur hair nice owh stelle
