
14 December 2011

13-12-11 ;)

Hello dear friends, 
we've been through nice numbers (dates) throughout the year. 
And now we are in the midst of December already. 
Another nice date after 11.11.11 and 20.11.2011, 
it is 13.12.11 which is yesterday.. ;)

As of others maybe choose those dates for their wedding ceremony or engagement party, the date 13.12.11 itself really special for me. 
It is because my birthday falls on 13th December. ;)

Well what was happened on my birthday?.. Any surprise by hubby?.. Most of friend asked me whether i got what i dream of.. 

So what is actually i dream of?.. To be honest, a thought would be enough. And having them (the love of my life) to celebrate with me on my birthday is really meaningful to me. What more I can think of?.. The loves of my life, dearest gabriel and dearest hubby.. :D 

However, dearest hubby was thoughtful enough. He booked a room at Kudat Golf & Marina Resort without me knowing. Kira surprise la kunun tu.. ;)

 Here some of the pics ;)

 at the 1st day..

 the loves of my life ;)

 a surprise birthday treats for me.. ;p

 I Love these moments ;)

 A surprise birthday treat from hubby. Western food. Sbb bnyk kali saya ckp sama hubby teringin mau mkn western food sbb susah ba mau cari di Kudat ni..

 View from our room ;) Nice kan..

And lastly, as always Mommy and Gabriel ;)

 We're spending 2 nights here. The place is so relaxing. Tomorrow will be the check out. So, for those who are planning to do vacation in Kudat, this resort is highly recommended..hehe..

Indeed i had fun here with lil gabriel and dear hubby. Thanks to dear hubby for planning this for me. I'm really appreciate it.. ;)
Again, it's the thought that counts. :D

Okay that's it for today.
Have a blessed week. ;)


  1. Happy belated birthday! What a fun birthday celebration. Enjoy ur time there k. Baby G is so adorable.:)

  2. happy buffday again stel! your hubby always very thoughtful ba moy... may the love grows and grows until the end of time.. :)

  3. I was there to spent our 1st wedding anniversary. Ambil honeymoon package lagi tu.. Siok ni kena layan special sana. :) I love the place!

    Not forgetting, happy belated birthday to you! How nice kena treat macam ni for birthday..

  4. oh ko p bercuti??? wah happy bday kio stelle..siok owh kan kana blanja...

  5. oww 13.12.11.. i was thinking sepa yg bday or kawin niari cntik o tu date. but i cant found any. n nw i found u. happy belated birthday sis!! n i love the sea view frm ur room. cantik oooo!

  6. Happy belated birthday. :)

    Amazing trip that you have done. :) Cute baby oo~


  7. What a lovely time with family and yes, your hubby is very thoughtful ( like mine too XDXD) hahah!

    Happy Belated to you again!

  8. Happy belated birthday! :) wargh.. why all food pictures are making me drooling.. haha. anyway, christmas is around the corner, so merry xmas in advance!

  9. happy belated bday! may God bless u and ur family always :)
