
12 November 2011

I'm Excited! :D

Yes, indeed I am so excited. Really excited for the coming month of December. Well who's doesn't?.. December is a month of Christmas, a month of holiday.. and I am sure most of you feels the same.. :D

For me, December is always my favorite month of the year. It is a month of celebrations for me.

Here are what will happen in December. :D

13-12-2011  My Birthday
17-12-2011  Hubby's Birthday
25-12-2011  Christmas Day and baby Gabriel will be exactly 4 months
29-12-2011  Our 4th wedding anniversary
31-12-2011  Countdown to New Year 2012! :D

Me and hubby still in discussion of the place for Christmas day celebration and wedding anniversary for this year. Still in searching the best place to visit..

By the way, Christmas celebration this year really meaningful and special for both me and hubby. Knowing the fact that we will celebrate Christmas Day with the appearance of our dearest baby boy for the first time, makes us feel very happy.

We can't ask for more. Our son is the greatest gift we ever had for Christmas.. :D

That's it for now. Take care. :D



  1. I am excited too.Hopefully cuti Christmas saya kena approve. This year punya christmas is very meaningful for me. Bah happy wedding anniversary in advance ok. Happy Birthday in advance juga.

  2. O geee! So nice o u and hubby birthday bulan 12 ni! Some more anniversary lagi! I love december and my second daughter birthday pun dec..oww.make me cant wait for christmas too!!hehe

  3. Cherrie.Mia:
    waa...ko pun excited..yes! ada kawan hehehe...Tq for the warm wishes. Same to u.. :)

    ur daughter's bday in Dec pla.. nah ada reason mo celebrate suda beside Christmas kan.. Ya, bnyk clebration ba kami ni dlm bln Dec ;)

  4. Stella!!!! Happy Belated Birthday!!.. Pastu in Advance untuk laki kau.. And Merry Christmas in advance.. And happy 4th utk BabyG.. And Happy Counting the 2012 too.. Amboi.. semua mo advance2.. Eh,iya.. Anniversary.. H aha ha.. si Aki sama si Sumandak punya 6th anniversary yang kapel2 punya,kampung2.. 2 hari selepas anniversary kawin ko.. ha ha ha.. Skali kira new year,jimat belanja.. :-p

  5. Looks like you're going to have an awesome month next month. But I think, Dec is always awesome ba kan. Hahaa.

    Happy Tuesday, Stella.

  6. Aki:
    blm lg la bday saya. nxt month baru bday sya..btw thnks for the warm wishes. Ba ko kasi gift yg special la sm ko punya sinta :)

    Indeed. :) Dec mmg always awesome hehe..

