
18 November 2011

The hair story..

It's been 2 months 3 weeks and 3 days since I gave birth to baby Gabriel..The post-natal effect is now affected me. Yes, that is the hair fall problem..

I discovered this problem few days back. I am sure most of post-natal ladies experienced the same. I heard it is because the hormones thing. Mostly two to three months after delivery, the hormones started to change back to normal, therefore the problem such as hair loss will occured.

I don't know when it will be stopped. I heard some of mothers experienced this problem until 1 year period of time.

So, dear mothers out there who faced this problem, please share your experiences and care to share your method on how to overcome it. :)

Really glad to hear from you. 

That's it. 
Have a blast Friday ;)


  1. Hi stella~ yeah i faced the same problem with my second one..terus saya beli tu pantene hair control..i think it works la.but they say it will grows back..memang betul la i think cause so far saya belum la ada botak..hehe

  2. wha..sis sa dulu pun kan faced ni prob juga ni....he he pandai tumbuh juga tu stelle..

    mgkn mau kasi amal blik pntang dulu2 kan..kasi taru minyak kelapa

  3. debrajill:
    ok ka tu pantene hair control?.. sya mau beli lah.. ya true, it will grows back bah kn..

    ya kan mau kasi lebat tu rmbt pakai minyak kelapa hihi

  4. tu kalau beliau2 slalu sapu minyak kelapa tu kan.. Eh,tapi ada ba yang tonic2 di kadai2 tu.. nda tau la keberkesanan dia.. sa tanya mama dulu la.. ^_^.v..

  5. Sa pula, used the old school style. Guna minyak kelapa. Paduli lah durang ckp bebau but it works.

  6. Halo stella :) sya pun sama jg gugur ni :) but like debra ckp guna shampoo hairfall control.. okay jg tu.. and sya kasi keriting lg spy nda nmpk nipis ;) hihi..

  7. Aki:
    Ko tau jg psl tonic2 ni tnya la mom ko..sya mo tau..

    Minyak kelapa works ba tu la bau dia x thn..

    I see..tq for the tips. Mo kasi keriting rmbt la ni..

  8. this used to be my problem, but after i start using Himalaya shampoo, you know, the herbs hair grow back & it doesnt fall so many :)

  9. Aemy:
    I guess himalaya shampoo also works ;)

  10. Congrats to you. You are a mother now pula...didnt know..ehhehe.. The hair problem, org2 tua bilang ambil tu kalapa yg mau tumbuh sudah, ambil dia punya isi yg licak sudah dan kai sapu di kepala..buat selalu necaya tumbuh balik tu rambut..:)

  11. Gunsirit:
    Ya, dua bulan lebih suda sya jadi mama hehe... Wah, tip2 org tua2 ka tu?.. Mo try la ni..Di mana mo cari kelapa yg baru tumbuh aa..hmm..hehe

  12. saya pun kena juga dulu time Ava 3 bulan, sedia2 jak la ni nanti gugur rambut balik this next month.Dont worry, asalkan diet ko seimbang and makan sayur, nda lama tu gugur,after that your hair would grow back:).Sampai cleaner rumah kami dulu sindir2 bah rambut sia gugur, bikin panas..nasib bukan dia sudah yg jadi cleaner kami skang.haha.

  13. Sheena:
    ya betul ckp ko..mknan mesti seimbang..sya ni jrg mkn seimbang..tu yg susah hihi...:)

  14. sama la. haha..
    baru stat gugur 2, 3 minggu yg lalu..

    i cut my hair short..
    use the Sunsilk hair fall shampoo..
    ok sikit sda.

    :) asal jn botak ja la kn hehe

  15. nc:
    sayang ba mo potong ni rmbt uhuhu.. ya kan, kena beli shampoo yg jenis hairfall control kan...
