
08 February 2011

200th Follower Award

A Paint of Life 200th Follower Award

This 200th follower award goes to Rozihangzi.
Congrats to her.

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you so much to Rozihangzi and to all out there who are willingly to read and visit my blog as well as to become my follower. 
Thanks for your support. :D

I will try my best to keep on my blog and as harder as i can to update and to post interesting entries in my blog. My gratitude is for those who are still staying with me in this blogging world. :D

If you visited my blog, do come again. I will visit your blog too from time to time.

That's it for now.
Take care. :D



  1. congratz to the 200th follower stel!

    sia lg blm pernah mo award follower ni.. huhuhu..

  2. Wahhhh... Punya best banyak follower sudah... Yeahhh... sya blum kasi award lagi untuk 100 orang yang pertama sya... Huhuhu... lmbat butul sya ni... sya pun tdk tau sudah siapa yang ke 100 ni... I feel guilty...

  3. Just:
    TQ..hehe.. Ba bulih baitu ko buat len kali hehe..

    haha..nda apa bah..skali-skala ja baitu.. lain kali ko set2 la ke 150 ka, ke 200 ka.. ko kira2 kalau mau dkt2 suda tu follower ke 150 atau 200, trus ko kasi ready2 tu award ko..hehe.. Palan2, mesti boleh buat tu MosePA.. :D

  4. Congrats! Hihi...200 ka? buli tahan!

  5. Wah 200 followers sudah? wow..sya punya new site baru 41, itupun termasuk sya sendiri..ehehhe

  6. Claire:
    ya 200... tq for visiting here :D

    nah tu la ko tukar site baru hehe

  7. ronghazi si gadis yang bertuah penerima award dari stella..

    conrats utk gadis tuh n congrats jugak untuk stella.

  8. The Brazilian artist NEWTON AVELINO show Brazilian art and culture to the world through your blog
