
18 January 2011

Kuching Trip: Day 2 (Part 2)

Hello dear readers, it's Tuesday already and we are in the past mid January. How time flies so fast isn't.. So how is you Tuesday so far?.. Hope all is fine..:)

Okay, this is a post for Kuching trip Day 2 (part 2). On the part 2, we were more on museum visits. We visited the Sarawak State Museum (old building) , Sarawak Museum (new building) and Kuching Museum. All the museum are free entries.

Here are some of the pics:-

 At the Sarawak State Museum(old building). The oldest museum in Borneo. Established in 1888 and opened in 1891, sponsored by Charles Brooke, the second White Rajah of Sarawak.
We managed to took pics from outside building only as camera is prohibited inside the building.

 At Sarawak Museum (new building). Camera is prohibited inside the building too.

 This is inside Kuching Museum. You can bring camera inside the museum but you have to pay around RM2.00 - RM4.00, depends on your camera type. For handycam is RM6.00.

 Still inside Kuching Museum. It's a cat's tomb.

 Still inside Kuching Museum. We're in manmade cat's cave.

 How 'Kuching' got its name. Click at the pic to read.

 Okay, this one at the resort lobby upon we back at resort. Penat tapi kerana pemandangan laut yang cantik, sempat lagi posing ambil gambar hehe

Muka penat jalan2 dan shopping the whole day..hehe

That's it for now. Till we meet again at next post. :D

Have a pleasant Tuesday.



  1. Kuching Museum mcm siok ooo! DSLR brp klu bw msk? Hahahah...

    Bnyk brg kana beli sia nmpk.. hehehe..

  2. Just:
    Ko pigi lah museum kuching hehe.. bnyk gmbr kami ambil d dlm but sya nda post sini. nnti jadi album gmbr pula ni blog sya hahaha!

    kalau dlsr rm4.00..hehe..

    brg2 souvenir baitu hehe

  3. Wah, ada cat's tomb dlm museum?

    Hubby sa suda pernah pigi Sarawak, sa yg belum2 lagi tersampai sana! Ini tahun lah sa mau pigi sama anak-anak sa. Hehe!

    Kami lagi ni peminat kucing, nahh bersemangat mau pg museum kucing (^^)

  4. the last time i was there mcm tia byk mo di really improving oh.... ;p

  5. wyne:
    ba apa lg wyne, arrange lah p sana. tu museum kucing wajib ko pigi sbb ko peminat tingau hahaha..

    ms d33 b33:
    ya bnyk org ckp gitu.. x brp bnyk benda ba kuching mo di tingu. tp ok jg lah, relaxing juga kan sbb sana mcm tenang ja tmpt dia..nda brp jem

  6. all about sarawak..its beautiful land.

    kucing garong ya...hihi

  7. Jalan-jalan dekat Kuching ni mesti panas kan? Terutama tempat yang dekat sungai tu.

  8. Biskut:
    Hehe..blm whole sarawak, baru kuching hehe

  9. Tokek Sabah:
    Agak panas juga ok juga, masi blh tahan hehe! Thanks for visiting here :)
