
18 January 2011

How to Stay Energetic at Office

While working in office it really becomes very important to stay active and energetic as it really affects your performance and your working capability which has a direct impact on your job. So it is very important to take care of yourself so that you can stay fit and healthy and perform your job properly. 

You can face lots of health problems like stress both physical and mental, back pain, dehydration and other. As we work for long hours we don’t really care about drinking water or eating something healthy. So this causes lots of problems like dehydration, sudden weight loss or sudden weight gain and backache. You can do lots of things to prevent these physical and mental problems caused due to over working or working for long hours.

How to Stay Energetic at Office:-

Snacking or Munching: It is very important to eat something healthy while working in office. Keep eating small amount of food products after short duration of time as it keeps you energetic. Instead of munching on biscuits and chips go for healthy fruits like apple and banana or vegetable salad. Dry fruits are also a very healthy option. Granola bars can also be taken as snacks as it contains lots of dry fruits which provides instant energy.

Water Therapy: While working in office we sit in air conditioner for very long duration of time and we feel very comfortable. We don’t realize when we are thirsty which causes dehydration. It can make you feel tired and stressful. So it is very important to drink ample amount of water. It is very important to replace soda and canned juice with water as it provides you all the essential nutrients.

Avoid Heavy and Fried Foods: During lunch time in office avoid eating heavy food items. Avoid eating rice and potatoes in excess as it will make you feel uncomfortable and sleepy. So it is important to eat a light and healthy diet like fruit salad or sandwich or juice. You can also opt for herbal tea in place of hot coffee.

Stella says:
Really need this. Feel unenergetic lately.



  1. Water Therapy = Sa mmg suka minum byk tu lah, balik2 pula pigi tandas ;-p


  2. Wyne;
    tu la, balik2 p toilet pla nnti hehehe

  3. Buli apply klau pi kuliah ba ni kan? hehe.. ^_^
