
03 November 2010

WSB Blog of The Month: October 2010

Hi dear blogger friends.. 
How are all of you today?.. it's 3rd November already and it seem that December is coming closer. Seriously, I can't wait December hehe..

This morning as I go through my Facebook, I got a message from WSB
informing me that
I won the title 'WSB Blog of The Month".
I am so happy.. :)

-Read about this HERE -

Thank you so much to those who voted me.
I'll never forget this.. I can't achieve this without your support. :)

- WSB Blog of The Month Award-

The final 4 finalist was announced on 28th October 2010.
To be frank, I was so shocked and never think of that I'll made into the 4  finalist.

- Announcement for the 4 finalist. Most of the other finalist got GREAT blog too-

My post for the contest HERE

This recognition definitely raises my spirit to carry on blogging.
Thanks to those who always visiting my blog..
Thanks to those who reading my blog..
Honestly, all of you are the one who are 
giving me ideas in creating posts everyday.

The other finalist, (Wyne Mauren, c3kz hikmah, Nana Morgan) also are great bloggers. 
Visit their blog, you'll know why I said so..hehe

I am sure there's another contest again for November, 
so what are you waiting for, get ready to join it. :)

That's it for now.
Till then, 
Have a PLEASANT Wednesday :)


  1. And again.. congratz! nnt d FB pulak! hihih) You deserve it.

    can't wait for Nov's!

  2. congrats dear.. n keep on blogging.. :)

  3. Just:
    Terima kasih Just.. Mcm ni yg ke-3 suda ko wish hahaha.. Tq so much.

    Ba jan lupa join yg Nov's :)

  4. Richard:
    Tq.. i will :)

    have a great wednesday dearie

  5. skali lg..tahniah stella...*wink*

  6. congrats mandak, yeah!!!!! yip yip hurray! memang bagus entry ko :)

    mandak ko ada banner ka? saya mo promote disini, bulih?

    ada 4 kosong lagi untuk minggu depan punya episode, sapa mau bagi link banner di entry ni ya.

  7. Congrats to you Stella! Mcm c Just ckp...YOU DESERVE IT!

  8. Azura:
    haha..ko ni aa..siap mcm cheer leader lg.. TQ TQ.. :)

    Bulih ba promote seja hehe.. Oh sya belum ada banner oh, nnti kalau sya sudah buat sya kasi ko lah..dlm this week.

  9. Wyne:
    TQ so much..TQ.. :)
    Bah Nov ada lg, join lg..hehe :)

  10. When the first two days of November are up, it only means Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year!

    Congratulations for winning the award, you DO deserve it. :) Keep blogging!

  11. congrats :) Blogger of the Month :)

    bagus juga o kan ada award2 gini ni.. kasi motivate kita blogging :)

  12. Congrats Stella. Keep on inspiring people through blogging :)

  13. HalfCrazy:
    You're November going on, you can feel the Christmas spirit :)

    TQ so much..:)

  14. dreamChaser:
    Ya betul..pemangkin semangat bah ni..:)


  15. Angel:
    TQ sooo much Angel.. Will do ya.. :)

  16. congrats stella..nda sia2 sa p vote ni..hehe

  17. Ellen:
    TQ ellen..ya ba.. dr kamu2 juga yg vote ni hehe..:)

    TQ soooo much :)
