
11 November 2010

Thank You!

Hi dear friends,
How are you today?.. It's Thursday already and weekend almost here..
I am sure most of us awaiting for weekend, isn't hehe..

Today I managed to be in office after 2 days of MC.
Thank GOD, i'm now getting recover slowly.
I am suffering of sensitive abdominal and gastric pain, and it's now affected my
intestine system. Presently, I have to avoid spicy food and carbonated drinks as much I can.
Well, i hope this is the last time I suffer this disease. I hope so..
People said, gastric pain doesn't have particular medicine that can cures your illness 100% because
it's all about your food intake. Once you are detected with gastric pain, it will always stick in you..

And for the record, I can't bare too long in air conditioned room too.
If you happened to read my post on last Monday about how i forgot to bring my socks to office and
i had to bare the freezing condition for the whole day.
My abdoment is so sensitive till i had to suffer pain on that night itself.
The next day, I just lied on bed because I can't even stand anymore.

I would like to thank to dear friends who are really concerned of my health. 
GOD bless all of you.
Thanks for all your prayer, and now I am doing good already.. I'm recovering and hope that i will be able to do my regular activities as before..

Thank GOD for i still alive today.:)
Thanks again for your prayer.  MySpace
May GOD put you in His care..


  1. Take care okay...

    Selagi belum beranti tu hujan, selagi tu lah bersusun urang jumpa doktor.

  2. Wyne:
    Ya betul ckp ko tu..haha
    TQ kio.. Take care :)

  3. Wishing you a speedy full recovery! :)

  4. Missing u in the blogsphere stel. ;p

    for record, sia nda pernah kena tu gastric pain. opsss...

  5. d1n0za:
    Thank you so much for ur concern..
    and thanks again for visiting here..

  6. Just:
    waa..bgus juga ko nda pernah kena gastric pain just. Sya start kena time sya bljr d matriks ni..atukoii

    Miss u too Just!!..:D

  7. Hoping and praying for your wellness stella..get well soon.

  8. Nancy Poh:
    TQ soo much Nancy.. :)
    GOD bless u

  9. Good to hear that :) take meal on time..k..jgn lg sakit2 k :) GBU

  10. Good to hear that :) take meal on time..k..jgn lg sakit2 k :) GBU

  11. Ya i know the feeling if kena gastric i also have gastritis. you take care. If me kena tu capat2 sa p beli tu Zellox any pharmacy ada tu or guardians/watson.

  12. Mrs graig:

    TQ sooo jaga makan la ni :)
    GOD bless

  13. Rosc;
    Na sama pula kita.. ya ba..mau ready ubat la ni awal2..sbg persediaan..
    Happy Friday :)
