
10 November 2010

BIG Baby..

 I just had my dinner..
This is my dinner for today..

 -Porridge Chicken flavour-

 -The cooking instruction-

-Cook for only 10 minutes-

 -Then, here we are.. Today's dinner.. -

I don't feel like to eat today. My tummy isn't full recover yet. So i just had porridge for today..
Well asal ada isi perut org bilang hehe..nanti gastrik bertambah pula kalau perut kosong..
And I feel like Big Baby eating the porridge..hahaha.
By the way, the porridge delicious though..
 You can try it yourself at home..

And, I wanted to share with you this. I'm really unsatisfied with the medical cost.

 With this amount of medicine..

 How come the cost reached to RM92??..

Don't want to go the clinic again.. Too expensive!!   MySpace


  1. mak oiiii..mahalnya jugak...haha

  2. Nampaknya ko masih belum betul2 sihat nie stella...takper jangan lupa makan ubat k.get well soon.

  3. clinic mmg mahal..huhu.
    emm,,now i want to eat porridge la i think.haha

  4. Ya, sedap juga tu makan bubur segera...and yup, mahal juga ko kana caj kan...hmmm

  5. Biskut:
    thanks biskut..ya belum sembuh spenuhnya ni..harap2 bisuk ok suda spenuhnya..takut tiba2 sakit pula d ofis..

  6. ladyshea:
    ya nda la seteruk mcm gini..sikit ubat ja..atukoi..

    ba eat lah porridge..skali skala best juga hehe

  7. utk kesihatan tepaksa ambil ubat juga kan...

  8. memeljoan:
    sedap juga kadang2 mkn bubur segera..:)

    ya mahal kan...sya pun terkejut. len kali nda mo p sana lg..

  9. Nancy Poh:
    ya ba..demi mau cepat sembuh..ambil saja lah..kan..

  10. uiii gila juga tu harga tu ubat smpi gitu tu...nda salah kira ka?..apa2 pun u take care ya :) fast recovery :)

  11. Mrs Graig:
    ya ba giiila..hehe..
    Ok TQ so much.. :)

  12. Mahalllllllllll nyaaaa ko bayar!!!

    Dia beli dr U.K kaitu tu ubat? (~_~)

    Singgah2 sini sikijap b4 masuk Exam Hall at 9am...ekeke!

  13. Wyne:
    Ya ba gila betul..entah dr UK ka, US ka, German ka dia beli hahaha..

    wei, sempat lg ba.. Ba gud luck for ur exam..:)

  14. punya la mahal obat..sadiss..telampau jugak klo klinik pn.rm10 1bj kali ubatnya tu..

    tapi kan sis..banyak ajinomoto tu bubur tu tau.hihi

  15. c3kz:
    ya mmg terlampau mahal..but wat to do kan, mau cepat baik punya pasal..

    Ya, bnyk ajinomoto lah kali tu.. sya tidak habis juga makan tu..mcm terlampau bnyk..teda selera bah..uhuhuhuu..

  16. Waaaah.
    90 ringgit? Apa medicine tu?
    Mungkin antibiotik kot?

  17. Wahhhh so expensive...
    Hari tu saya alergi, terpaksa kena injection...
    Injection plus ubat-ubatan pun baru RM35...
    Next time try Klinik Dr. Mustafa, dekat Servay likas tu. Satu baris dengan tu KFC and Pizza Hut...

  18. Zezebel:
    Teda antibiotik dia bagi..uhuhuu

  19. Sumandak Kinabalu:
    Okay, next time sya try..
    Mmg terlampau mahal, sya pun terkejut..uhuhuuu Ya ba slunya rm35 ja, plg mahal pun rm50 or rm60

  20. mahal nya itu ubat..
    btw..why not cook ur own porridge? sb kn..kadg2 tu yg ready made tu.. bnyk ba lagi ingredients lain2 yg dia tmbah. not good for gastric.

  21. NC:
    sya nda tahan berdiri lama haha..tu la..malas mau tggu lama2 lg pun lapar suda sya haha..

    ya mahal betul tu ubat, btw nda apa la..nasib baik dpt claim dr ofis..hehe
