
27 November 2010

~Kids & Baby Photo Contest~

Ok for this contest, I was tagged by Ayie

Click at the picture.

syarat -syarat penyertaan :::

1. Mesti menjadi follower blog  MRS. Safiyyah ni...

Stella says: Done..

2. Tag kepada 8 orang maksimum...tidak boleh kurang dan mesti inform pada kawan anda yang  telah ditag...:)

Stella says: Okay i want to tag :-
Just,Wyne, Nancy Peter, Mrs Graig, Chegu Carol, AnnieMing, Stephaine, Michelle

3.letakkan banner contest di sidebar anda.

Stella says: Done

4. mesti sertakan satu gambar.tidak kisah gambar anda zaman baby,zaman anda budak budak,gambar adik anda,gambar anak anda,gambar anak saudara anda..

Stella says: Okay here's the picture.. It's hubby's niece hehe.. :P

Her name is Cyrena.. :)

5. hantar link entry anda didalam kotak komen entry contest ini.

Stella says: Okay,will do after this :)

6.mesti mulakan title entry dengan nama contest.

Stella says: Ok.. hehe

7. wajib diberitahu didalam entry tentang contest ini dan hadiah yang bakal diberi kepada pemenang.

tarikh tutup :::30 november 2010
 ( terpulang pada Mrs.Safiyyah jika hendak menamatkan tarikh lebih awal:) be alert!:)

hadiah yang bakal dimenangi :::

earring dari lazo diamond jewellery.white gold.

Stella says: Ok,I've done all the instruction hehe.. :)
Wow this contest got a great prize too :)




  1. Adadada...30hb kah deadline dia nie. Bah, okay mlm ni saya buat...ahaks!

  2. Wyne:
    Iya.. bah capat2 buat hehehe..

    have a fun weekend :)

  3. waaah mcm sa mo try la jga..hehe lum prnah join contest blog ne hehe...

  4. Michelle:
    Okay, jom join hehe..
    Have a fun saturday :)

  5. whats the prize????
    share when you get it hehehehe!

  6. Stephaine:
    the prize is earring from lazo diamond jewellery.white gold.

    great isn't :)

  7. aku takde baby apalagi kids,lau tak dah tentu aku join.haha(Ye lah tu bisk)moga berjaya memenangi kontest.

  8. Teda abis abis contest saja ko ni stella..ehhee...ada contest "siopon" ka? ahaha

  9. Biskut:
    hahah..ko seja lah tu..hehehe..guna pic ko kcil2 pun boleh

  10. Gunsirit:
    Teda oh yg siopon punya hehehe
