
20 November 2010

~ 1st Lucky Draw By Atie Aizam ~

I have been tagged by BabyYats for this giveaway. She tagged me on the last 12th November.
Wah.. a lot of giveaway nowadays.. hehe.. But i like! :)
I just posted the domain giveaway contest just now and here is another one giveaway entry haha...  And will post another giveaway contest by a good blogger friend after this. I guess, i will post all the giveaway and tagged entries this weekend hehe.. 

 The conditions for this giveaways:-

It's so easy, all you have to do is,

1. You must be a Blogger

- Yes, I am :)

2. You must be the follower of
- Done this :)

3. You have to have an address in Malaysia
- I have one because I am Malaysian :)

4. Create an entry with title : 1st Lucky Draw By Atie Aizam
- I am creating it now :)

5. Put the banner '1st Lucky Draw' in your entry and link it to this blog.
  -Okay, will do that :)

6. You must put the banner at your sidebar and link it to this blog too.
 - Sure :)

7. Leave your entry in this comment box.
 -Will do so after finishing creating this entry.

8. Tagged a friend or more than one friend. It's up to you.
( for those who read this post can do this too..)

And the prize are....


 Laptop Accessories
with 10 stuffs inside it.

Closing date : 30 November 2010

It's a great prize. I hope i have a chance to win this :)
Come and join this.. :) 
Thanks to for creating this contest. 
And thanks to BabyYats again for tagging me.:)

Till then, take care. GOD bless.


  1. weoow~hebat ne giveaway ne. banyak assignment kta o kan haha..ada award tagged lagi mo dbuat..

  2. Michelle:
    Ya ba hehe.. Bnyk kerja rumah hehe..
    U have a great weekend okay :)

  3. Chayo2 Stella...
    Nanti saya buat last minit kalau sampat, manatau manang :)

  4. Hehehe... Thanks Stella... Bah, satu, dua, tiga... Lebih kurang ada tiga sudah tugas yang tertangguh ni... Hehe... Sya terlajak sudah ni buat entry ADC... Huhuhu... Siou... I will complete the assignment given by you asap... Hehehe....

    Stella... Are you and Richard? Is that you in Richard's photo?

  5. whew!
    I can do everything except the address in Malaysia hehehe!
    but I'll check out her blog see what I can get there hehehe!
    thanks for tagging me...

  6. woooooooooooooooot!
    wainah, ada lagi assignment~ miakkaXD

    wait ah, darl...
    mo siap suda 1 entry yg sy tag ko nanti hehe~ will post this assignment nanti midnite :D

    thanks for the tag lagi hehe~

  7. Hahaha.. c MosePA tergaru2 kepala sdh tu stel.. baik ko buat announcement. Hahhaah..

    Tp skrg ni mmg demam GA & contest.. :D Ba, gud luck kio..

  8. rajin ko nih Stella ikut GA contest...harap2 ko menang..hehe

  9. All the best. Sure you can do it...mcm sa pun berminat..hehhe..cari time dulu hehehe

  10. Sumandak Kinabalu:
    Bah blh ba kalau kau..buat la kio hehe..manatau menang hehe

  11. MosePA:
    Bah jgn lupa..Bnyk assignments sya bg ko tu haha..Capat buat...hehehe...
    Besa lah, tolong ibu bapa kasi promo bisnes kan..tu la ko terlajak tu hehe..nda pa, take ur time..

    Yes, correct. He's my hubby :)

  12. Stephaine:
    You mean, you are not in Malaysia?.. I see..that means you have to find one..

    Take care :)

  13. Glay:
    Hehehe..bah orait, sya tuggu2 ni hehehe..Gud luck gurl :)

  14. Just:
    Hahaha...tergaru2 kepala dia, sbb skali dia tingu d profile sana fb hubby sya bah tu haha..

    Ya skrg ni demam contest and GA kan Just..ko pun ada buat kan hehe..harap2 dpt tu beg..hehe *wink*

  15. Biskut:
    Harap2 lah..hehe.. Sya kena tag bah tu la misti join hehehe

    Have a great weekend

  16. Baby Yats:
    Thanks again for the tag..harap2 ko pun menang hehe

  17. Alv0808:
    Bah mari lah join..nda lama lg closing date tu..hehehe..

    Have a great weekend :)

  18. pertandingan apa kunun ni? ada tumpung ka hadiah? hehe

  19. Gunsirit:
    Ko join lah..ada hadiah tu hehehe...
