
18 October 2010

WSB and Me

Hi, it's me StellaClaire. You can call me Stella or Stel. 
Honestly, I love blogging..  
And i never thought there are bloggers group that keep my blogging world alive..
Especially we, the Sabahan bloggers..
Few weeks ago I came across a group that giving its name WSB..
I found this is interesting group since it's a place for Sabahan bloggers to gather each other..

And to be true, WSB is stand for "We are Sabahan Bloggermania".

WSB keeps in touch with its members..
WSB appreciates its members..
WSB encourages its members to keep in touch with each others.
And I am one of it..
Oh, You can never tell how I am so glad to found WSB.. :D

To be frank, I LOVE to be a WSB member..
There's never came in my mind that WSB could inspires me to keep up blogging..
And yes, it's true.. WSB did it..
WSB inspires me and enhances my spirit to carry on in blogging world..

How?.. You never know if you never be in it..
You'll know once you are in it.. .
Try and see.. you'll be surprised.. :)

I am so touched with the first appreciation by WSB..
And will never forget it..
It will always remain in my mind..
Even it would be days after days..
months after months..
years after years..

WSB will constantly be in my life.. 
Will always be my heart of blogging world..
I'm amazed for what WSB have done to me..

My blogging world become more colorful, fun and inspiring..
I found supportive and friendly friends here..
I find peace and enjoyment in it..
And it will never be without WSB.. :D

I laid a memorable picture with WSB.. I always spend my time by looking at it the moment I open my pc every morning and it will continues the whole day.. 

Thought of wanted to share it with you.. Look at below..


- Yeay!! WSB and ME together and will always be.. -

WSB will always be part of me..
Which grows my desire for writing blog..
Will always reminds me the amusing of blogging world..
for how much the care it puts in me..
Thanks WSB.. :)

Till then, have a pleasant week.



  1. Wyne: TQ..x tau la menang ka tdk..hehe.. yg penting ada participate..hehehe..:)
    Yg penting..enjoy... hehe..

    You have a great day..:)

  2. So sweeeettt... as sweet as you! Gud luck! :D

    But kami dua sama c mouren aka wyne sepakat mengatakan bahawa c stella la penyebab kami gila mo join tu WSB. Hahahah...

  3. Just: hahaha..saya yg penyebab kamu join aa..hahaha..

    but true kan Just ko dpt appreciation suda..mmg bgus ni WSB hehe..:)


  4. i like...gud luck 4 u dear...

  5. baby Yats: thanks dear..:)
    Same to u..:)

  6. Chegu carol: Thanks...:) You too.. :)

  7. nanges aku baca ni sis..ngeheh^^ tams ap^^

  8. yay!!hidup wasaber sekalian :)

  9. c3kz: ahaahaa.. mau nanges lg tu.. thanks sbb visit2 sini..:)

  10. Mrs Graig: Yeay..hidup! wasaber!..hehe

  11. Wahhhhhhhhh! nice entry mandak, hehehe, terharu sampai guling2 nangis si abg ed ni, ekekeke!

    tapi sa setuju, memang wsb fun! tidak macam blog komuniti lain. :)
