
04 October 2010

3 Must-Go-Places..

Hi there,
It's Monday again. And we are entering the 2nd week of October. I had a relaxing and memorable moment on last weekend. Thanks to dear one for the surprises. The surprises really made my weekend unforgettable..
I'll blog out about that soon.. ;)

Okay, as promised on my last post, today's post will be about the 3 places that I named it must-visit-place or you can call it must-go-place in Sabah. Because, you can visit this place for a day trip or have a stay at one of this places will be a great getaway too.. :) The 3 places are Kinabalu Pine Resort, Dream World Resort and Desa Cattle. You can find these places all in Kundasang where it takes about 2 hours drive from Kota Kinabalu.

It was last September, where me and dear one as well as the in-laws decided to have a weekend getaway at Kundasang. I always love Kundasang because of the cool breeze that are really different from KK. We decided to stay at Kinabalu Pine Resort because Mount Kinabalu can be seen here while the rate is affordable. We went there a week before Hari Raya holiday because Pine Resort was fully booked for Hari Raya. After all, it was actually a last minute plan, because we booked for Pine resort only 3 days before we went there.

Kinabalu Pine resort is a perfect place to stay at Kundasang if you wanted to have a nice, cozy, relaxing weekend and affordable rate. The standard range is between Rm160-Rm190 on weekend (rate will differ depends on any promotion). And rate included breakfast for 2 persons. The surrounding landscape absolutely beautiful. There's a platform provided where you can view the whole scenery of Mount Kinabalu clearly. You have to wake up as early as 5am to view the majestic mountain before it embraces by clouds. So don't forget to bring your camera to catch up some memorable Mount Kinabalu's view here. Bbq facilities also provided. Bring your marinated food and have some fun and relaxing moment while spending time with your loved ones while bbq-ing.. :)

-With dear one as well as MIL & FIL at a platform where u can view Mount Kinabalu from here-

- At the Chalet Lobby-

-Early morning pose haha.. -

- aaah.. so comfy.. ;) -


-Spending some time chit-chatting while Bbq-ing.. :) -

-Reception area-

We stayed at Kinabalu Pine Resort for a night. The next day, after check out at around 11am, we went to DreamWorld Resort. It takes only 15-20 minutes to reached the place. We didn't stay here but only intended to have a sight seeing before we lead our journey back to KK. I fall in love with this place. The scenery absolutely fantastic. No wonder they call it a place amidst the clouds because you can see this place surrounded by clouds as like you are on the top of the world. :) Click here for the chalet's rate and review.

-DreamWorld Resort, a place amidst the clouds-

- Look at the blue sky.. -

-On top of hills. You can view the whole Kundasang from here..-

-Admin and reception office-

-So colorful.. ;) -

- I love the landscape view too-

- Feels like the cloud so close to you..-

Meanwhile, Desa cattle is opposite the DreamWorld Resort. As DreamWorld Resort and Desa Cattle not far from each other, we decided to visit here. After all, i never been in this place. The scenery of green grass really makes my heart fills with LOVE. Feels like you are in New Zealand or some other 4 seasons country..haha.. Okay, it's always best to let the pictures do the talking..heheee.. So have a look here.. :)

-Welcome to Desa Cattle-

-Love the view-

-The cattle seems knew that I'm taking her pic.. :) -

-Can u see the greenie grass?..Love it!.. (ignore the model haha..)-

-The combination of the clouds, blue hills and green grass really makes me fall in love..:) -

-One cattle sneak out from fence & dear one is like the 'cattle keeper' haha..-

-Found this flower here and it attracted me to took pic!.. :) -

Okay that is all for now..
So, if you need some weekend getaway, don't hesitate to have a relaxing getaway here. For me, these are must-visit-place in Sabah.. :)

Hope you enjoy this post and the pictures.
Till we meet up again at next post.

Have a great Monday.. ;)


  1. Wow so beautiful. I've planned to make a weekend gateway to those 3 places. Surely you enjoyed your weekend

  2. I'll definitely put them in my list.. Dont think can make it in Dec or Jan.. hmm.. tight schedule! Hmm..

  3. Alv: Indeed beautiful places.. You must hehe.. Share with us after you gone there okay..

    Have a great Monday.. :)

  4. Just: Okay.. Take ur time Just.
    Once u come to KK, make sure you make some time to visit there.. :)

    have a great monday.. :)

  5. wahhhh the dreamworld is beautiful! must go there!

  6. best o ko.. dpt jalan2 weekend.. kalu sa.. dui..sini2 KK ja.. teda kawan ni uhuhu...
    but ive been to pine resort before.. sjuk nya kn.. sakit trus husband sa o lepas balik dari sana..hehe

    i hope i can visit the desa cattle n dreamworld resort nanti .cewah..

  7. best nya,nice n beauty view..

  8. must-go lg ni.. and stay there for two nights.. :)

  9. Angel Bear: Yes, indeed DreamWorld is so beautiful.. Must go and take a lot of pics!.. :)

  10. Nc: ala..sian..tpksa ko cari lah sepa2 kwn bw p jalan2...

    Oh kalau ko suda p Pine resort,ko harus p DreamWorld Resort..hehehe.. This time kalau p sana sama hubby ko kasi ready baju tebal bnyk2..hehehe.. :)

    Ambil pics bnyk2 sana.. Memang peaceful view d sana... :)

  11. Si Biskut: Indeed. You should visit there someday..:) Thanks for jotting some comment here.. :D

    Have a great evening..:)

  12. Richard CM: Bulih ba dear.. 1 day not enough oh..hehe

  13. hehe..okie dokie.. will heed ur advice :)

  14. Sya mau pegi cni lah nanti... Cantik betul tempat ni... Hehe... Siok betul o kau dapat pegi tempat ni... Anyway, happy day... Yeahhh...

  15. MosePA: Ko mesti p sini. Rugi kalau org Sabah sendiri tidak pigi ni tmpt.. :)

    Siok ba jalan2 cari makan..hahaha

  16. Banyak kali sa pigi Kundasang, sa mesti telepas pigi tu mini-NZ. Hehe.. Nice photos!

  17. AnnieMing: Haha..lain kali ko pigi kundasang, jan lupa singgah sana mini NZ..hehee... and DreamWorld Resort too kalau ko belum p sana la.. heheee....... :)

  18. kurik2 ko punya entry lama Stelle..uuuhh cantik pula Ranau ni kan
