
09 February 2010

What are..lately..

Oh well.. it’s been nearly 4 weeks since my last post. I’m too busy with current works.
I changed to this layout..It’s simple and easy than the previous one.. The previous layout; the date can’t appear and also there’re problems with the posting. Therefore, to make life easy, I choose this layout.. hmm.. maybe for a while or until I have a very good mood to change to a much nicer one. So for now I go for this one.

Not much things happened lately in my life. It’s only much of family gathering that more on my in-law’s side. Last January, it happened on the 23rd , we went to Promenade for a lunch as a celebration for my bro-in law’s birthday. Coincidently, there was audition for the reality show Akademi Fantasia 8 (AF8). And I managed to take picture with the judges for AF8 (I think so).

me with the AF8 judges

And on the 29th January, I went for a birthday party of my colleague’s daughter at Mayflower Restaurant Jalan Bundusan. Her daughter turns to 1 this year. She’s so cute and adorable.

My colleague, Sylvia & husband during her daughter's birthday.

And on the 1st February was my younger bro birthday. He turns 27 this year. Wishing him best luck in his life.

My brother and 2 sisters.

Can’t wait till Valentine’s day and Chinese New Year.

I’m in holiday mood now..heheee..


  1. Bestnye tangkap gambar dgn fazley.. Stel, u apa khabar? Lama tak jumpa kan.. =)

  2. Cool oh.. Dapat snap pic sama artis ^_^

  3. nc: ya nc Fazley ba hehe..

    nurul aini: saya sihat je lama tak jumpa..

    AnnieMing: Yup cool hehehe..
