
19 January 2010

Movie Anyone??..

It’s been a while since my last post.

Oh ya..this was the 1st movie I watched for year 2010.


Ok it’s not Avatar I want to talk about hehe..

Last Sunday, me and my lil sis together with dear hubby went to OneBorneo for a movie. We had Sherlock Holmes in mind but it was like we didn’t plan to watch any specific movie. As we arrived at the counter, we saw this The Spy Next Door movie starred by Jackie Chan. Without hesitated we bought tickets to watch the movie.

In a scene in The Spy next Door

For those who really admire to watch Jackie Chan’s stunt, you might don’t want to expect the best from him as maybe because his age factor. His stunts action was not really swiftly as he was young then, but I can't deny it was still impressive. The movie was put in sense of humor here and there and I really enjoyed watching it.

The story was about a man named Bob (Jackie Chan) who is actually a spy, fall in love with a woman with three kids named Gillian. I assume the woman was divorced because she don’t have husband and the children really don’t have idea where their father is. On deciding to marry Gillian, Bob want to tell her about his job but he didn’t have a chance since their conversation was interrupted by a call from Bob’s boss. Beside, Bob have to win the kids’ heart too to marry Gillian. The kids really hate Bob and they don’t want him to marry their mother.

The life of the three kids was put in danger when Bob was asked by Gillian to take care of the kids while she has to look after of her sick dad in hospital. It was then the eldest kid finds out about Bob’s job and told her mom about it. Gillian was really mad and decided to break-up with Bob. She’s really mad because it was all about her children life.

So, further your own in cinema hehehe..


  1. best juga bah kn,, tgk jackie chan kadg2.. then msti yg funny2 punya :)

    but if u havent watched Sherlock Holmes.. you should.. u will be impressed :)

  2. Jackie Chan eh? Well, his previous movies were failures I think, because he tried too hard to be funny when the script is terribly poor. Loved him in Rush Hour 2.

  3. hey, i think i wanna watch that.. my kids have watched it but i havent..

  4. nc: ya funny2 ba si jackie.. blm tgk lg o sherlock holmes..adehh

    gallivanter: i think it's because of his age..and somemore he absolutely cant speak well in English..

    reanaclaire: ya, you should reana.. :)
