
17 November 2009

So Fast...

Time flies so fast..and it is past mid November already.. wahhh..and i really can't wait December.. Many celebration will be celebrated on December (for me).. Of course Christmas will be one of it. For me, December will be an all in one celebration..hehehe..

Christmas will be on 25th.. and our 2nd anniversary will be on 29th.. and before that, me and my hubby's birthday will be on the 13th and 17th.. wahhh..full of celebrations isn't,hehehe...:)

By the way, me and hubby together with about 5 of my family members will be on vacation on the 1st Dec to 5th Dec.. So, i hope we will be having a lot of fun and a relaxing trip..:)

So what's your plan for December.. :)

On the other hand, i would like to send my Congratulations to Ms Arlene Andrew and her hubby, Mr Nicholas Tudol for their wedding ceremony on the 7th November 2009.
May they live happily ever after..

With the bride and groom at their wedding reception in
Tmn Teluk Meruntum. (Bride's residence).

Me and the beautiful bride, Arlene.. :)


  1. wahhhh..bnyk celebration o.. :)
    i really hope u could come to my wedding at chucrh..hehe..but indapa la, sb memang time kerja ba tu.

    itu sja date yg kami dpt ba hari,take it sja la.

    nyway..happy anniversary in advance.. :)

  2. Hi nc..i really want to come to your wedding, tp time keja pla tu kan..wat to jan lupa upload bnyk pics kio..uhuhuuu..sedih ni nda dpt p wedding ko..uhuhuu..

    ya bnyk celebration ba Dec ni..hehee..

  3. Hi Stella, I'm sure you and family will have a wonderful X'mas.
    As for us, we'll be expecting lots of snow, and the frigid cold of a Canadian Winter.

    Congratulations to your friends. Handsome couple, and the bride is gorgeous.
    You know, for some reason or other I notice, seen Sarawak has more than its fair share of very attractive girls, ha ha. Include you.

    I think its the many different races of Bidayus, Kadazans, Orang Ulus etc maybe mixing with others....
    I have always been fascinated with Sarawak. And will go there when we decide to balek kampong one day.
    You have a nice day, Stella, Lee.

  4. Hi U.Lee,
    Thanks for visiting here.. thanks for the compliment too.. :)
    Hope u’ll have a fun Christmas celebration there. So if happen u come visit Sarawak, why don’t u come here in Sabah as well..hehe..

    Have a nice day..:)

  5. Hi gallivanter,
    thanks..merry christmas to u too!..:)
