
30 November 2009

Blessed Advent and what more..

It’s 30th November already and I can’t wait for tomorrow.. Yes, tomorrow is the day where I and family together with dear hubby go for a 5 days vacation. It’s cuti-cuti Malaysia this time.. We decided to fill our vacation trip in KL and for Genting Highland. Since dear Mom and Dad never been in Genting Highland before as well as my two younger sisters, it would be great for them to fill this holiday there. As for my youngest sister, it would be fun holiday for her as it is school holiday and I hope this is very much like vacation that she would never forget.

Our flight to KL schedule is at about 11.45am on 1st December and we decided to stay at about 2 nights in Bukit Bintang area. We booked an affordable hotel for 2 triple sharing rooms. Cardogan Hotel would be nice because it is strategically located in the heart of the prime commercial centre in the city, surrounded by major shopping and entertainment centres, banks and etc. Then, we will proceed to First World Hotel in Genting Higland for the rest of the vacations. I hope we will have a fun and relaxing trip. I would like to get a fun as well as relaxing trip since it would be best for mom and dad. I don’t want the vacation be like a tired trip for them.. as I considering their age and physical strength.

Ok that’s all for now..
Will update about it later, absolutely after the vacation and I might put on some pics.. :)

And...not forget for all Catholics, Happy Advent..:)
Christmas is around the corner.. and I really can’t wait..
Christmas tree is already up followed by its’ decorations.
Thinking about celebrating it with family and friends.. :)
Perhaps an open house for this year..
hmmm...perhaps...perhaps.. hehe.. :p


  1. oh yo stell...inda bgtau ko dtg cni kl..kita buli jumpa kjap....anyway have a good holiday...

  2. aih..o ya kan..ala...lain kali la kio...:)

  3. hi stella..masih cuti2 malaysia ka.. hehe.. enjoy ur cuti ya ;)

  4. habis sdh nc..1st dec - 5th dec ari tu hehe..:)
