
26 June 2009

Two Stars Died At The Same Day..

Yes, it was a shocked news.. I came to office today at around 7.30 am.. and I am really shocked to saw the news at the yahoo homepage. It was written Michael Jackson dies. I thought it was just a gimmick for his upcoming concert in July. This news was so sudden.. The King of Pop is dies.. May his soul rest in peace.. Thought and prayer to you MJ.. Definitely, he was the one who contributed so much in the whole world music industries. We’ll always remember you MJ..

Another star dies is Farah Fawcett.. She also died yesterday on 25th June 2009 from cancer.. I still remember since I was small, I like to watched her action in the “Charlie’s Angels..”. According to some article, she’s the first died among the angels actresses. May her soul also rest in peace..
Two stars died at the same day.. May their soul rest in peace.. Let us put our thought and prayers for these stars.. It such a big loss for entertainment industry. Sincere condolences to Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett families..
For us who still alive here on earth, life must go on. People come and go. People born and die.. That’s the fact. Let us continue our happy life and be grateful for what we have today. Say prayer each day for what we had and also for those sadly missed by us..for those who are gone..for those who are we loved so much.. Pray that they are now in God’s care..