
25 June 2009


Wahhh..time flies so fast..July is approaching and it will become pass of mid- year already.. Sure time flies so fast.. And I think I am getting older .. Even though, actually I feel time flies so long, I mean at least that’s the reason why I’m counting hours everyday hehe.. Everyday can’t wait to be at home because I am sick and tired sitting all day in office hehe.. But knowing the fact that next week we will enter in the month of July, I feel that’s really fast...

So, what’s planning for July..??.. I think so far, there is no recent planning at all. Just a few birthdays that I assume really important in my life. Yes.. It’s the birthdays of my mom and dad as well as my youngest brother. My mom is on 25th, dad on 27th and my youngest bro on 31st. Thinking of that birthdates, it also makes me think about “gift”. Yes, birthday synonym with gift.. Sure I will do my best to celebrate those birthdays and for sure will give them my gifts.. ;)

Ok, we’ll see what gifts that I’ll give to them.. And the most important thing is hoping that tomorrow will better than today, next month will better than this year will better than this year.. Planning for good things will make us feel very calm and positive all the way.. This will lead us to a blissful life and wonderful undertaking..;)

So, what’s your planning for July?.. Hope you’ll have a great one.

Have a nice day ahead..;)


  1. laju kan masa berlalu...nda lama lagi cuti sikul suda hahaha ;-) have a great july, stella!

  2. wahh..iya kan..ko pla menunggu masa cuti sekolah hehe.. tq..same to you jacinta...;)

  3. Hello Stella, Life is a it.
    Life is a song...sing it.
    Life is a dream...realize it.
    Life is a it.
    Life is love...enjoy it.

    Our life today is not a dress rehearsal, we only get to play one round...
    You have a pleasant weekend and keep a song in your heart, best wishes, Lee.

  4. Hi Uncle lee.. thanks for viewing my blog.. Yes, of course we should live our life to the fullest and be grateful for what we had all the way in our life.. You have a pleasant weekend too.. God bless.

  5. wow.. bnyk coming bifday o.. :) im sure u'll choose the perfect gifts :)

  6. Iya nc..bnyk coming birthday ni hehe.. tu la mo kena celebrate ni..penting ni hehe.. iya hope I can give them the perfect gifts.. but the most important is...the celebration will be memorable and they are happy too kan..hehe

    Ok, hope u have a great weekend nc.. ;)
