
11 July 2015

Bazaar Ramadhan at Pekan Ranau

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is just around the corner. I guess many of you have planning for 'balik kampung' and even bought new apparel for the celebration, right? 

So i would like to take this opportunity to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims around the world. Please be safe on your journey back to your hometown and eat in moderation, ok.. :)

Well, we were at Bazaar Ramadhan yesterday. Hunting food for dinner as the fasting season will ends in couple of days. I seldom going to the Bazaar stalls along this fasting season and yesterday i thought this was a great opportunity to walk around the stall before the fasting season is ended.  

I always love to go for food hunting at Bazaar Ramadhan stalls because apart from a plenty of food, you can see a lot people here with varieties of background and races too. Malaysia is really well known by its' multiracial communities.

So, let us look at these photos i took yesterday:-

The surrounding of Bazaar Ramadhan at Pekan Ranau

This is my hubby's favorite part. Because it's the one and only stall selling Murtabak. Every year hubby will hunt for Murtabak.

And luckily this one and only Murtabak stall selling good Murtabak. People are queuing to buy Murtabak as early as 5pm because the Murtabaks are selling very fast.

Hubby is buying green bean porridge which is my favorite dessert. :)

This BBQ honey chicken wings are selling very fast too

Murtabak, Honey Chicken Wings, Fried Noodles and Green Bean Porridge from The Bazaar Ramadhan. Enough for dinner of the day. :)

The Green Bean Porridge was added with sweet potatoes (purple yam). I haven't encountered such recipe before, and the taste wasn't bad. I'm going to try make this on my own in the future.

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