
05 March 2015

Welcoming 2015

Oh my haha.. 

I think it is too late for this post on welcoming the year 2015 LOL. And this is the very first post for the year 2015 after a long pause. Trust me i am really missing this blog but so much things happened lately. I miss my readers and all your feedbacks too. And my fellow bloggers as well, of course. :)

Wow, it is the month of March now so i am planning to blog more this year compared to last year. Wish me luck! haha.. 

So what is my current update?.. What is happening lately?.. Mostly my followers in IG and Fb would know, but i just wanna make it official in this blog.

So here are the current things that I need to cope in the year 2015 :- 

1. Our Lil Boy Entered Playschool.
My not so lil' boy, Gabriel Aiden is now enrolled in playschool since January 2015. He'll be 4 in August, so we decided to let him to the playschool so that he could meet some new friends and learning to fit in some new environment in preparation for kindergarten next year. 

So far, so good but it is normal right in the beginning he was scared to enter the school. He cried out loud and my heart breaks to see this. But this is for his own good. We want him to learn and interact with other kids. 

This is really a new experience for us (Hubby and I) for sending our son to school and we were trying to cope this new thing. Daily routine to send and pick up our son from school now become part of our life just similar with other parents. We have to alert and wake up early in the morning to send our son to school.  

And when Hubby is not around (because his work now based in Ranau), I'll played the roll to send our son to school and i have to wake up early in the morning..huhu! No more honeymoon like last year hehe!

2. Our Lil Boy is going to be a Big Brother soon! :)
Yes, it is a good news right?.. hehe... My due date is in by the end of August 2015 (according to the latest ultrasound scan) and it was really coincidence right?.. Gabriel also was born in the month of August. :D

I'll be 15 weeks pregnant on this coming Saturday (7th March) and I can't wait for the next prenatal visit to scan my belly again. I'm eager to know the gender of this baby. I guess in the next visit i would be 18 weeks and suppose the gender could be discovered by now. :)

We are hoping for a baby girl, but all is in the hand of God. It's a God's plan. We accept it with warm heart. :)

Oh my, it is 12.15pm now. I have to get ready to pick up Gabriel from school. Catch up with you again later! :)

Thanks for visiting here. And oh ya, Happy Chap Goh Mei to those celebrating! :)

Have a great week ahead. God bless. :)


  1. Happy Chap Goh Mei to you, Stella! Welcome back to blogging word.

    I think there might be some typo error there. 7th March I believe, not 7th August. Hahaha.. Maybe you can't wait for that month to arrive bah =)

    1. Hi Diana, thanks for visiting here.
      Thank you for highlighting that. I did corrected it just before i read your comment.
      Haha i guess too! Can't wait to welcome a new family member in the house! :)

  2. Ba rajin2 post new entry kio.. :D

    1. Bah harap2 sya semangat mau update selalu lepas ni Just hehee :)

  3. Bh sa pn mau rajin kunun stelle but duh kalau cerita sahm ni ari2 sama ja bh..hihi..

    1. haha ok tu..ko cari ja idea apa si hazel buat everyday :)

  4. Dendy pun masuk preschool sdh ni tahun. X sedar mo masuk 5 tahun sdh dia ni tahun. Btw, congrats for ur pregnancy. Did u sway for baby girl stell?

    1. cepat masa berlalu kan mel.. thanks!
      hmm..mcm ada juga rasa2 baby girl tp tgk lah nnti time scan mcm mana kan.. takut jg kalau terlampau mengharap kan hehe

  5. Congrats on ur pregnancy! Hope everything will go smoothly :)

  6. Hi ba rajin rajin blog..I knew it that you preggy just looking at the post at IG and some hints..but I dont dare to say until you announce..hehehhe..

    1. thanks moi..... thanks for visiting here too.. haha now officially di blog kan :)

  7. congrats for your pregnancy stella! siuknya mau ada baby baru kan

    1. thanks ilyannur.. thanks for visiting here too :) Ya sya pun x sabar mau dia besar cpt dan deliver ni :)

  8. Congrats .. harap2 dapat baby girl lah kan. :)
