
08 July 2014

Strawberry Cheesecake

I was having sweet tooth last week and i decided to bake a cheesecake. It's actually a no bake cheesecake recipe which i got from

It is really a simple recipe and yet very tasty. The recipe is actually a non bake lemon cheesecake but i modified the recipe. I didn't add in the lemon juice, but instead i added fresh chop strawberries in the batter and few on top of the cake for topping deco.

So here's the recipe:-

Strawberry Cheesecake


For the base.
400g digestive biscuits
125g butter or magarine

For the filling.
200g Philadelphia Cheese
150ml cream
75g caster sugar
Fresh Strawberries

1. Put biscuits in food processor/blender and mix until become fine pieces. Add in butter and mix again. ( i used melt butter melted using low heat). Put in a tin and leave to set. I put this in the fridge while i'm preparing the filling.

2. Mix cheese and cream until stiff peaks. Add sugar and mix again. 

3. Add in fresh chop strawberries. The amount, depends on you. If you like more strawberries, you can add more. Maybe about 2 cups chop strawberries. And mix using spatula.

4. Put batter in the tin and place in refrigerator overnight. 

5. Serve with fresh strawberries on top of the cake. 

Easy right?.. So, try the recipe. No regret.. Hehe..

That 's it for now. Have a great week ahead. :)



  1. Wah nda payah bake kah ni ... tp nmpk cam sedap ni :)

  2. yummy! not a fan of strawberry tp besar o tu strawberry mcm sedap ja mau talan2 haha

  3. sia pun kureng klu strawberry.. masam sia rasa strawberry.. hehehe

    1. Sya pun dulu bukan fan strawberry Just hehe.
      Sejak sya termakan tu strawberry manis2 di sini tu yg sya suka mkn :)

  4. I have always love non bake recipe..senang kerja ;)

  5. Buat ba video tutorial for this recipe. Sia mau tinguk. Haha.

    Nice ba. Simple but I'm sure it tastes great.
