
27 July 2014

The North Wales Experience: Llandudno

Llandudno is a small town in North Wales. I can see that the town is a very peaceful place to live. It is situated near a beach. It is said that Llandudno is the largest resort at the seaside. The view is simply amazing and people around are very friendly too.

It was very windy when we were walking by the beach. There's a lot of seagull flying here and there, making noise for food. 

The Prince Edward Square is just about 5 mins walk from the Beach House ( a guest house which we stayed). The square is situated by the beach and it is the main attraction here.

I'm glad that I've tried the fish and chips in North Wales. A friend told me that their special dish is fish and chips. The fish is fresh and suited with the chips too. But that was in Conway. I guess that speciality would be merely the same across North Wales.

As usual, i have to be certain about food for our young boy, because this lil boy of mine won't eat anything beside noodles, choc chip bun and rice with soysauce. I am so relieved that there is Chinese take away in Llandudno. Our toddler doesn't eat any western meal except for potato chips. So i am really happy to found one Chinese food outlet here, therefore we bought noodles as take away for him.

Llandudno also known as the place where the real Alice in The Wonderland had been for vacation. You can see Alice statue stand tall at the town, Mad Hatter and the Rabbit as well. There is event about this Alice in The Wonderland organized here every year too. Based on what i read on Llandudno website, there will be a parade around the town and people will wear costume referring Alice and her friends every year.

So let photos do the talking. :)

Indeed Llandudno is a very beautiful place to visit. I'm going to visit here again someday. I wish.

If you need a vacation or for a weekend escapade from that busy city life, this place would be a perfect place to go.

By the way, thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoy reading and browsing the photos.

Till then, have a great week ahead.


22 July 2014


Five days ago we (all the Malaysian, in fact the whole world) were shocked by the news of Malaysian plane crashed at the border of Ukraine. I received the news via short notification from astro awani on my ipad. I was just hoping the passengers were safe. 

On that tragic day, 17th July 2014,  we (hubby and Gabriel) were actually just arrived home at about 4.30pm from our short trip in Paris. The moment i told hubby about the news, he switched on the tv straight away to BBC channel looking for breaking news about this plane crash. It was really devastated to know the cause of the crashed. It was shot down. Speechless. 

Yes, the moment I heard the words "shot down", i was speechless. Feels like my heartbeat stops for a second. In my head, it keeps telling me if the plane was shot down, then the chances are zero for survivors. And my guess was true. Heartbreaking, i know.

             Truly deeply feeling sorry for the family members the moment i watched this 

The whole world still hoping for MH370 to be found again, and now another plane was missing from radar and the worst part is it was forced to fall down from the sky. Sadly, in this modern era there are people who are still eager to kill each other. Why the hatred? Can we just live in a peace world? And this innocent people who are nothing to do with your hatred was murdered because of your evil vengeance. Aren't you feeling guilty now? A husband lost his wife and children, a wife lost her husband, parents lost their children and grandchildren, a friend lost a good friend. Aren't you feeling guilty at all?? What the world has become nowadays. Sad. So sad.

Since then, i wake up every morning with heavy heart. My heart seems mourning. My thought focuses to the passengers, their family members, relatives and friends. A lot of questions spinning around in my mind. I know it was really hard. In fact, it is. Although none of my family members on the plane, i could feel part of me is missing. I could feel the emptiness. Part of me is angry, another part are traumatized and sad. Mixed feeling. 

This MH17 tragedy will be remembered. Honestly, i never thought such thing could happen to our (Malaysian) plane. In fact, i think most of us have not thought about this. Seems like no places are safe anymore. But, we don't lose hope. We will always pray for the peace of this earth.

I pray may God have mercy to the victims, to let their soul rest in peace, and grant a strong and peace heart to each of the family members of the passengers on board. 

Take care and God bless.

15 July 2014

The North Wales Experience: The Beach House

We (hubby and I with our lil boy)  just came back from 2 nights trip to North Wales on last Friday. The journey took 1 hour via train from Chester station to Llandudno Station.

I'm so happy this time because Gabriel (our lil boy), is now getting used to travel around via train. Not like the first time we travel to Manchester City, where he cried out loud the moment we get inside the train. And as the train stop at any station he will cried too. I guess he's now getting used to it and he likes to sit near the window where he can view sceneries while the train is moving.

 Upon arriving at Llandudno Train Station.

We stayed at Beach House Bed and Breakfast Llandudno. The most comfortable guest house we ever stayed. The family room is so spacious and the price per night is affordable. We had fun and great experience. Especially the guest house, the beach side and country side. So calming and wish to visit here again.

The owner of the Beach House is so friendly and warm. I like her. She really understands the things we need especially travelling with lil kid. My experience staying at this guest house is wonderful. The room is very clean and comfortable to stay and complete with toileteris like shampoo and shower gel, towels, sweet treats for kids, mineral water, and hairdryer. Free WIFI available.

They served Welsh traditional breakfast, apart from toast and cereal. The breakfast area is so clean too and provided with baby chair. Unlike few of bed and breakfast we ever stayed in Chester and London, baby chair is not available. 

So here are few pics i want to share:-

In front of the Beach House

The Beach House. The guest house we stayed for 2 nights.

The Welsh Traditional breakfast

My lil boy and hubby during breakfast

The room. It is family room type at first floor.

The Bathroom

The whole bathroom floor is in carpet

As you can see the name of the guest house we stayed is the Beach House. Yes, it is located near the beach. You can see the beachside from the window. And it is so windy too. A lot of seagulls flying here and there. There's a lot of guest houses, resorts and apartments along the beach. And in the middle there is square which they called the Prince Edward Square. (i'll post more about this later in my next post).

The view from window. Gabriel really loves to stand near the window. He loves to see what is going on outside. What a calming view. Just like a painting.

That is all for now. If you happen to have vacation in Llandudno, North Wales, this guest house really recommended.  I love the clean and spacious room because as you tired of walking exploring the city for the whole day, and when you came back to your room, it never fails to make you calm and relax. 

That is all for now. Have a great week ahead. 
Stay tune for my next post about the beachside and Llandudno town. I may share some pics. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Take care.

08 July 2014

Strawberry Cheesecake

I was having sweet tooth last week and i decided to bake a cheesecake. It's actually a no bake cheesecake recipe which i got from

It is really a simple recipe and yet very tasty. The recipe is actually a non bake lemon cheesecake but i modified the recipe. I didn't add in the lemon juice, but instead i added fresh chop strawberries in the batter and few on top of the cake for topping deco.

So here's the recipe:-