
24 January 2014


It has been 3 weeks since my last entry. So here are the things happened recently. I hope i could update my blog more frequently after this. Once or twice a week should be ok. Let's hope I can do this. :)

I got my yoga mat about 3 weeks ago and so excited about it. Hubby bought it online from the Manduka website because I gave him a hint a week before, that the current mat isn't good at grip and i keep on sliding while doing downward dog and wheel pose. I wasn't feel good about it. I don't like it when i don't have the confident to practice yoga postures. 

Definitely this Pro Lite Manduka mat is good at grip. I feel more confident when doing yoga postures. It is my 3rd yoga mat though.

On the other hand, this is my progress in pigeon pose. On last Nov i didn't even got the strength to lift up my leg, but the magic happened on the day I got my new yoga Mat. My leg finally up to the air.

Yes, I was using the new yoga mat. Could it be the new yoga mat brought some inner strength and magic to me to be able to lift up the leg? LOL.

No lah hahaha.. with daily practice and determination it would be. That is why i like about Yoga. You could discover your body through it. Trust me, you'll be amazed.:)

I got my yoga book with anatomical function infos for each postures for the 1st time. Hubby really knows my passion in yoga and he bought me this book on last Dec as a Christmas gift.

Yes, i didn't reveal this book last month. People would say, bnyk juga Christmas gift ko? LOL. 

I just happened stumbled upon this book at Whs Smith Bookstore and hubby said he'll pay for it as a Christmas gift, so sya terima saja lah bah hehe. And only left with 1 copy, so i took this book.

Well today, out of the blue, i compiled our Christmas Day family portraits. From year 2011-2013 and i realized that we've been celebrating Christmas Day 3 yrs now with our lil son.

We celebrated Christmas Day with new family member (Gabriel) for the 1st time on 2011. We were so excited about it.

In 2011 we were in red and black theme, 2012 in purple color theme and 2013 no particular in color, because we forgot to set up a color theme haha

But most of all i thank you God for the guidance and blessings. I pray that may His Love always be there in our family. Because the LOVE of God will keep family bonds strong and last.. Amen 


  1. God bless you lovely family :D

  2. kuat oo ko punya tangan...dapat imbang tu semua badan...:D

  3. makin campin suda ko ni stelle. siok sa tingu tu gambar kamu evry christmas ni

    1. Thanks beaty.. Ko buat gitu lah family pic kmurang sama baby hazel.. Siok tu tgk dia membesar :)

  4. i just bought a new yaga mat too but not from maduka. dari kedai biasa di Keningau ja..heheh

  5. makin pro suda ko oh stel! and u have such a lovely family :D

  6. Hi Stella!
    Macam lama suda sya nda melawat blog kawan2 ni. Banyak plak updates ko yang sya miss owh. Ko beryoga sudah plak. Macam best ja tgk ko boleh lift up yr body using both hands like that. Sya masih lagi terkapai2 bikin workout ni. Jog & badminton la yg selalu sekarang. Mau zumba/aerobik teda geng ni di Pitas. Anyway, keep it up! God bless. :)
