
24 April 2012

The LOVE Journey..

Hello dear friends,

Today I would like to share about my relationship journey with my loved one. Yes, i know we are now towards the end the month of April and the Month of Love (which is February) had left us a while ago. In fact the month of May will be coming soon. Well, there's no wrong to share it now isn't it?.. I believe love story is not only for the month of love.. :P

Actually this post was requested by a blogger friend, Si Aki Borneo. Well, Aki jangan marah aa.. punya lama baru sya dapat post ni story hehehe..:P

In the beginning, we (hubby and I) met in Malacca. We used to study in the same college in Malacca. I never knew this place would be a historical moment in our life as this was a place when it all begins.

Hubby proposed me to become his gf on the Valentine's Day year 2000. I was happy to accept it as I observed he was just a type of hardworking boy and also happy-go-lucky person. There's non a day that I didn't feel unhappy being with him, he always be there and cheer me up. From that moment, as I accepted his proposal the love episode now begins with colorful memories that I never forget. The love between us blossoms until the very this day. He was my 1st ever man in my life and would be always be the 1st and the last. Therefore, hubby should be a lucky guy as he met a girl that never been hanging out with any guy before..haha..:D

There were many coincidences happened between us. I guess these were the works by GOD that walked within us. We were the only Sabahan that comes from SM Stella Maris and SM La Salle back in KK while we in Malacca College. For an info, SM Stella Maris and SM La Salle are located just next to each other and we never met before. And another thing is, we actually living in the same area all this while, which is in Putatan. What a coincidence! And of all the coincidences we were meant to meet each other at a place called Malacca Matriculation College.. :)

Our first pic together as a couple (year 2000). That was our college's uniform.
Muka budak-budak kan.. hehe

We've been in Malacca College for a year. And after that we pursued our study for a Degree in local universities. We were upset at first as we didn't get to enter in the same university. He pursued his study at UKM, Bangi and I was in UiTM, Perlis. With this UPU result, a long distance relationship now began.

As most of us know that a long distance relationship has its up and down as well as the good sides and bad sides. But for us, our love getting more stronger. Yes, of course there were times quarrels occurred over our relationship. I guess GOD has given us tests to teach us the pure meaning of trusts and faithful in between us. Thank You GOD, You never give us such trials or problems that we never can handle of.

After about 7 years as a gf and bf couple, we then celebrated our engagement ceremony in the year 2007. To be exact, on the 30th May 2007. The engagement ceremony took place at my house in Taman Bersatu, Putatan at about 11am. Then, about 6 months later we officially become husband and wife. :)

30th May 2007- Our Engagement Ceremony

We've been put test again. A day after our marriage, hubby have to report duty in Kudat, while I still working in KK. Now, it feels like the long distance relationship come all over again. I thought as we become husband and wife, this thing never show up again. But, well I surrender all to GOD. I guess GOD must had a better plan for us. We endured for almost 4 and 1/2 years for being apart from each other.

Finally on 25th August 2011, we officially become parents to our lovely son Gabriel Aiden. With his coming in our life, I have to give up my post as civil engineer. I took the responsibility to take care of him and moved to Kudat, to be with hubby. Hubby don't want to miss a thing about him growing up and he wanted to see it closely with his own eyes, me either. I don't want Gabriel be far from his daddy.

Now here I am in Kudat, being a mother at home for our lil' son. This is a sacrifice I had to make. Yes, people say love isn't love if there's no sacrifice in it. I gave up my post definitely just for my lil baby. Well, I did planning to enter the job world again when hubby being transferred to KK. Don't know when that will happen, just wait and see.. For the moment I'm just enjoying motherhood and wanted to cherish it as long as I still could.

Our wedding day- 29th December 2007

Officially become parents to our Lil' son- 25th August 2011.

And tomorrow will be exactly 8 months we become parents to our dearly baby boy. How time flies.. I miss the time when he was newborn.. ;(

That's all our love journey story. It's a long way to go. Indeed I'm grateful for what we've been through and achieved in this relationship. I have faith in GOD that our love relationship being blessed by GOD and the love that occurs between us is the love that has been granted by GOD.

Thank you for reading my story. :)

GOD bless.


  1. wawwwww~
    terharu sy baca~ love your story! :D

  2. lovely story..stella..

    God bless u and ur loved ones.. :)

    ..mlm2 pula sa blogwalking ni ari..isk3..baru ada masa ba kunun ni.

    1. hahaha..tq..tq..panjang lg cerita tu.. Ini versi pendek punya..

  3. lovely story..stella..

    God bless u and ur loved ones.. :)

    ..mlm2 pula sa blogwalking ni ari..isk3..baru ada masa ba kunun ni.

  4. Tears with joy.. Ohh, kalau sa mengidolkan kamu, I shud propose si sumandak next year?? ha ha ha.. hey engineer, If I got panggilan kudat, sa tanya kalau durang perlu, sa kontek ko k?? ^_^.v.. Mana tau baby gab ko besar sikit, ko mo kerja balik.. ^_^.v..

    1. Ba cepat, kasi propose si sumandak ko tu. Jgn tunggu lama2 hehehe..

      Okay ba Aki, thanks for the thought ;)

  5. agreed. Long distance relationship really hard.
    Lovely story :)

    1. Ya, it's hard but worth it..:)
      Thanks Sabrina for visiting here.

  6. sometime or maybe most of the time long distance relationship really works! Btw, ur hubby putatan sblh mana? mcm familiar ja ni.. maybe sbb sy pun di Putatan kan. hahahah..

    1. Ya, sometime ada juga yg tdk works kan Just ;)
      Oh hubby sya punya rumah betul2 sana pekan putatan. I mean skrg bukan pekan lg lah..hehe.. dia punya residential area yg belakang BSN punya row.

  7. nice love story..lebih kurang ja kita ni..hubby was my senior but we only met 1 1/2 yrs later which actually slalu btembung cuma x prasan..not only long distance problem kami but also my dad disapproval..mcm wyg hindi sdhkan haha..but as u said god has his own plan an finallt here we r happily married with no 3 otw..kalo ingat balik mmg sengsara jg but demi cinta laut dlm sggp direda..gunung tingi sggp didaki chewah haha..god bless ur family :)

    1. MRSfred, thanks for reading my story. Wah, mmg mcm wayang hindi oh kamurang ni hahaha.. But at the end, jadi juga kamu kan. Thank GOD, semua pengorbanan itu berhasil :)

  8. uhuuuu hebat oh! sweeeeet and lovely story... May God bless your family sis :D

  9. Its all about faith, hope and love..yeah you did it!!..

  10. Aww... Stella, nothing can beat your love to your family... God bless all that u have done to the man in your life

  11. Nice story Stell, well my first long distance love tidak kesampaian but I didnt regret it at all! :) Maybe love hasn't enuff for both us hehehe... but now am a happy wifey... God bless you and your family!

    1. It's not just a story Vera. It's for real haha..
      Well, it's the work of GOD. Now u are one happy wife kan.. GOD bless you too and ur hubby :)

  12. 1st picture paling mahal hihihi

  13. Stel dah tak kerja ye skrg? Takpe.. nanti bila2 dpt pindah KK bole stel keje balik kan.. Btw semoga sentiasa bahagia bersama suami tersayang n cute little gabriel.. =)

  14. Long distance and very longgggg relationship before you guys completed the journey i.e. Marriage.

    ..psst, kamurang mula bercinta di Melaka pula. Cute!

  15. For all the hardship we been through.. In the end it is US that matter the most.. Cherish our love forever dear.. :)

    1. Yes dear.. It is us matter the most. My love will always just for you.. :D
