
27 April 2012

Eight Months

Yes, it's 8 months now that I am being a mother to my dearest son, Gabriel Aiden. It's also means that our Gabriel is now 8 months old.

Shot by dearest hubby during our recently trip at Simpang Mengayau. I love this pic. Seem there's a story behind it.. ;)

Now that Gabriel is 8 months old, he is showing a lot of progress in the process of growing up. Sometime I find it funny. Because you'll find it unpredictable..haha

The other day, he suddenly can put on his 'cucut' (pacifier) by himself. Terjatuh pun dia pandai pungut balik kasi masuk mulut. Bukan tu seja, dia pandai kasi adjust lg tu kalau cucut dia terbalik..LOL And some more, dia pandai kasi ready tu cucut, lepas nenen trus sumbat tu cucut di mulut dia sendiri, laju lagi tu..haha

It is difficult to put diaper pant too. Banyak guyang ba dia. Tidak mau kena kasi pakai diaper. Kasi masuk satu kaki, sebelah terkeluar. Kasi masuk sebelah kaki, terkeluar lg balik satu kaki..haha..funny.. Penat mommy keraja dia..

And he also showing an attempt to sit on his own. Dari baring, dia pandai bangun mau duduk. Beside that, he also show an effort to walk. You just hold his both hands, and he will step his feet forward.  So cute those little foot!.. :)

And one thing I am happy about is, he really can identify his daddy and me as his mommy too. Every time daddy came home from work, he will be very happy.. Gembira betul dia, ketawa2..and main2 hide and seek sama daddy dia.. Pandai dia cari daddy dia.. :D

He also loves to watched babytv very much. Buka saja la channel babytv, mesti dia senyum and ketawa2 saturang tgk tv..haha.. Mcm org tua2 kunun..

There's a lot more progress. He eat a lot too now. Satu mangkuk boleh habis..hehe.. And kalau kena bawa jalan-jalan paling dia suka.. Lumpat2 dia dalam kereta.. Kalau keluar jarak dekat kami tidak kasi duduk dia d car seat. Of course kalau jalan jauh baru kami kasi duduk dia di car seat..

Ini yang dia suka buat kalau duduk di car seat. Tu kaki mesti naik..

Not only on car seat, anytime anywhere..tu kaki mesti mau bersandar. The other day, we were at KFC restaurant, he kicked the table. Nasib tidak jatuh semua tu ayam2 atas meja.. Adui makin nakal ni budak.. Seriously, he likes to kick and to sandar kaki tempat2 mana saja yg boleh dan yg sampai sama kaki dia..  Indeed he really like kicking. Dari dalam perut lagi ba dia kuat kicking.. LOL..

I feel so blessed to see his progress. The feeling of grateful seem not enough. Thank you GOD for the blessings. And thank you for giving me a chance to become a mother to our son Gabriel Aiden. It's a mother feeling..a mother's happiness that no one can replace.

That's it for today.

Have a blessed Friday. :)


  1. Time seem flies so fast when we have our first glimpse of our little boy coming out to the new world. Now he's 8 months old..!

  2. Suka tgk progress drg kan.. :) nda lama jalan sdh tu stel..

  3. waaa he's grown up..mcm baru ja sy nampak gmbr dia kecik..hehe..he's so cute :)

  4. Comel! ada habit lg suda dia tu, suka bersandar ma angkat kaki.. hee~ bakal footballer kali dia ni kan.. ;p

    ps: Hi stella, I made a new blog..
    Do stop by ya.. :)
