
10 April 2012

Blessed Easter 2012 & MIL Birthday

Blessed Easter to all Christians.. :)
So how you celebrate your Easter?..

Well, we just celebrate it with a simple celebration of my MIL birthday. Actually it was only a birthday celebration but since it falls on the Easter vigil, I guess this could be counted as Easter celebration too.. hehe

We celebrated it at Nok Thai Restaurant, situated at Damai in Luyang, Kota Kinabalu. The dishes absolutely delicious. It's a Thai dishes, but I guess it was not as original as in Thailand because I thought the dishes must be more spicy. But here, it was not really spicy, instead it was sweet especially for the pickled mango.

I was trying to shot some food's picture, but I did not dare to captured a lot as there's a note stated at the restaurant wall, 'Do not take picture of our menu'.

these were the most I could snap :)
The soup was very tasty ;)

 MIL blowing candles. Notice Gabriel staring at the candles. 
Dia mau pegang tu api tu..

 MIL cutting cake..

The whole family ;)

Okay, that's it for now. By the way, tomorrow is public holiday isn't it?
 It is for the ' petabalan Agong' right?.. So what would you do tomorrow?.. 
Mind to share and blog it out?..

Till then, take care.:)


  1. Happy family.. Hehe!

    Ah yes bisuk cuti kan. But it marks the last day of my maternity leave.. I hope my Ashley is ready to not seeing mummy for 5-6 hours every weekday hehe..

  2. Lain jg tu stel nda buli take pic of their menu?! Takut kena curi dishes dorang ka? Hahahha.. Teda plan bisuk. Huhu
