
23 March 2012

Oh Really?..

Hello dear friends, it is Friday and weekend is around the corner. So what is your plan for weekend?..
For me nothing in specific so far. And as weekend routine of course will attend prayer service at Church as well as spending quality time with hubby and little Gabriel.

Oh ya, want to share with you this. I found it was really funny..haha! My ex-colleague send me a video-clip on my timeline. She said she discovered the video-clip on Youtube and out of nowhere she suddenly thinking of me. She told me that the singer face seem similar with mine.. and I was like.. "Oh really??"..LOL

I printed screen this from my Timeline.:)

And you can view the video-clip below.. :D

I talked with my hubby how can my face similar with that singer.. My nose not as 'mancung' as that singer in the videoclip. He said, boleh la ada la sama sikit.. (LOL mau kasi senang hati ka tu?..)

Okay that's it for today. Just for fun hehe!..:D

p/s: Suddenly I recalled back about 8 years ago when I had lunch with my hubby (then boyfriend) at kfc restaurant in KLCC. A girl asked me ," Kakak ni orang korea ka?..".. LOL.. *o*


  1. mcm avril lavigne tu..mirip jga sikit hehehe..mata kali..

  2. Huhu..ok lah tu kalau ada mcm mirip muka artis kan..:-)

  3. Hei hei there. Guess this is my 1st visit.
    Weekend ni holiday di KK jugaa yeay.
    anyway, bagus la klu org ckp muka mcm artis kan. bole bikin senang2 hati. Biasa mata org btul tu, mata sndiri sudah tgk diri sndri hari2 kan

    1. tu la. sya tingu sendiri mcm inda sama pun :D
      Thanks for vsiting here Cinoi :)

  4. sa weekend d ranau nanti stelle.he he

    bh ada ni kan ko sama muka kan mmng betul la tu kan kalau d dunia ada 7 org yang sama muka sama ko kan

    1. aih, ya ka..ada 7 org?..hmm di mana lg yg lain2 aa..? i wonder..hmmm

  5. is that u?? hehe..ya ada iras2 juga ohh..waaaaa... :)

  6. Hi Stella, hey, thats a nice compliment.....hmmmm, there is a slight resemblance too.
    Anyway, you do have traffic stopper looks too....the kind that can make a florist retire early, ha ha.
    Keep a song in your heart and have fun.

    1. Really?..Thanks! what a compliment. You made my day..hehe!

  7. An yong ha se yo! Eh sorry, sia ingat blog urang Korea. Wakakaa.

    Ada juga iras la. Tapi nasib baik urang kita nda hidung mancung sangat kan. Kalo ya, betul2 iras. Hehee.

    Ba, happy Tuesday, Stella!

    1. itu la arm. idung sya ni kicil ja..nda tinggi. klu nda, sama suda tu kan LOL

  8. Ada mirip juga oh Stel, comparing with the pics of yours (abis kita belum pernah jumpa in person kan hehehe).. Siok oo ada kemiripan sama artis ni!

    1. hehe..itu sesetgh org ja nmpk..sya tingu mcm nda sama oh..haha!
