
03 February 2012

Rumah Terbalik

KOTA KINABALU: A Sabahan has forked out half a million ringgit to build Malaysia's first upside down house to send out an environmental message. Alexander Yee said the unusual structure at Kampung Bantayan-Telibong, about 40km from the city, was worth every sen.

“If we keep exploiting our natural resources at the rate we are going, sooner or later we will find our world upside down,” said Yee, who owns a construction firm besides operating a tourist lodge in the wildlife-rich Kinabatangan district in Sabah's east coast.

Yee pointed out that the 140sq m house with fully equipped interior including living room, bathroom, dining room, bedrooms and kitchen also contained unique Sabah features.

He said everything had been placed upside down including the fridge, stove and rice cooker in the kitchen as well as a functioning old sewing machine.

He said the upside down house took nearly six months to build - it involved reinforcing the roof, walls and the floor from where the interior furnishings were suspended.

Yee said visitors would be given a guided tour of the upside down house.The entrance fee is RM18 for adults and RM5 for children up to 12 years' old. Those who have MyKad can visit the upside down house at RM10.

More details about Yee's Rumah Terbalik are available through the Facebook wall he had created for his latest venture.

Stella says: Hmm..interesting... Another attraction in Sabah. Would like to visit there soon.. :)


  1. sa mo pijak juga lantai dia.. nda kira.. :p

  2. Mcm best saja rumah tu..Tapi lantai dia mcm mana tu...?

  3. hehehe me oso wanna visit one day, according to DE hari tu, the visitors will rasa pening2 10 mins after drg jalan2 ni :)

  4. Sia curious mau tgk interior dia..

  5. Ada lagi kereta kancil terbalik tu..unik betul..huhu..
    Rumah terbalik

  6. mcm sa mau vivit ja ni rumah ni..erm buli masuk ka tu ahh

    ntah mcm mana d dlam dia tu kan..tebalik juga semua kali kan..

  7. Aki: ko try la nnti :)

    entah tu jue..tu la mau p visit nnti :)

    ya ka..adui kena ready2 la ni :P

    sya pun..:)

    ya, sya ada baca jg kena ckp gitu.. :)

    ya dlm dia semua terbalik tu..:)

  8. kalau masuk dlm tu rumah... mesti rasa mcm spiderman..

  9. kalau tu owner berani suruh dia kasi terbalik Ninja King atau BMW 5 series.. hehehe.
