
11 February 2012

KFC Attack, Not a Racial Issue

KUALA LUMPUR: The graphic designer who was assaulted by a fast food outlet worker is urging the public not to turn it into a racial issue, saying the real matter is about customer service.Danny Ng also denied uttering racist comments that provoked the attack at a KFC outlet in Shah Alam on Monday.

“I regret the allegations of racial sentiment and urge Netizens to stop all this nonsense as they were not at the scene,” said Ng, 26. Ng only lodged a report at the Petaling police station on Wednesday as he thought he had no proof of the assault.

“I found out on Facebook that somebody had posted a video clip and I lodged a report after that,” Ng said at a press conference at Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng's service centre here.
Ng had visited i-City on Monday with his wife and sister to redeem vouchers worth RM132 which were bought online two weeks earlier.

The vouchers, which would have expired the next day, included a meal at KFC as well as admission to the ferris wheel, snow house and outdoor rides. The three went to the restaurant at 10.15pm and saw long queues as many customers were redeeming their vouchers.

After waiting for about 45 minutes, Ng heard customers ahead of him complaining that there was not enough chicken. “After the cashier told us they had ran out of chicken, some of us complained.“One of the kitchen staff said, Sudah habis, apa lagi mau? (There is no more chicken. What else do you want?)',” he said. He said a worker then uttered derogatory remarks, following which he asked to see the manager to complain.

Ng claimed that the manager refused to attend to him. At this time, Ng's wife claimed that she saw several workers brandishing steel bars from inside the kitchen and quickly pulled her husband out of the restaurant. However, Ng was dissatisfied and re-entered the restaurant to photograph and take down names of the workers.

“When I raised my phone to take pictures, a group of them rushed out from the kitchen. A few of the staff members tried to intervene but one of them ran towards me, grabbed my neck and punched me on the back of my head,” he said, adding that they would be meeting representatives from KFC to resolve the matter.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the company confirmed three employees had been suspended pending investigations.

Stella says:
In this case people should not spread lies or rumors or any other things that involved with races. Please don't spill the problem with more rumors that will hurts other races/religion. Let the police do their work to investigate the case. Till then, please stop any comments that really not nice to be heard. Bak kata orang dulu-dulu.. orang Malaysia penuh dengan adab dan sopan..tapi di zaman sekarang macam teda suda tu.. hmm..


  1. i thought this racist thingy have vanished several years ago, but it still happens now..huhu..people never learned huh..

  2. perkauman... hmmm... ada komen d salah satu video d youtube pasal ni kes.. tu org komen mcm ni..

    "pekerja KFC kat i-city tu bukannya Melayu.. tetapi bangsa Bugis Sabah"

    "kaum di sabahan dan sarawakian memang jahat"

    dan isu membabitkan penduduk sabah sarawak ni jadi topik hangat di internet..

    *** susah oo kan... di malaysia barat, mereka anti sabah sarawak... and di malaysia timur pula anti semenanjung.. di mana semangat 1Malaysia?

    1. di mana2 pun ada ba ni racist thing ni..susah mo kawal..

  3. Ada lg sya terbaca d yahoo news.. ada part org komen tu.. ada tu 1org ckp " sya ada d sana masa tu. sya dgr ko ckp sama tu pekerja "cibai la lu org melayu".. I don't think tu org ada d sana.. dia sengaja mau kasi buat racist remarks sj.. suka buat n tgk kaum bgaduh..

    1. yeah.. i dont think so.. saja la ba org kasi heboh2 ni racist thing. drg suka dgr org2 bergaduh..

  4. Hak pengguna hilang suda smpi staf2 KFC mau pukul orang. Yg racial issue tu; mmg sa gerigitan baca juga. Nasib Mr. Ng tu made the right choice. Came forward and explained everything.

    1. luckily, dia explained everyhting kan.. tu la, hak pengguna mcm hilang sudah. pandai2 ja tu worker p pukul customer.. bikin panas ni..

  5. racist! kalau saya x baca sampai habis memang saya pun terikut racist. ada sekali time tu saya kwn saya pun kwn cari bilik area asia jaya. terus jumpa satu tempat ni dia bi;ang room for rent,so we all ding dong the bell la..sekali tu kluar aunty ni,first thing first kluar dari mulut tanya kau org apa..bila dpt tahu sja org sabah..terus dia tidak mahu.tu buli terima lah tapi cara dia jwb and tolak kami tu bikin sakit hati. then isu di tempat kerja,friends di ofc selalu kutuk budak2x sabah sebab ramai yg pikir people frm sabah ni miskin hidup atas pokok and migrate tu KL sebab mahu kaya.punya sandih betul pikiran.

    isu KFC tu,kalau ayam sdh habis ckplah bagus2x then mmg x patut pun mahu pigi main pukul2x org,manager tu pun teda guna..

    isk,saya pula yg emo.

    1. tu la.. this racist thing kan mmg ada d mana-mana. susah mo kawal. mcm suda jadi satu trend or kebiasaan. drg takut if org ni jadi gini, or org itu buat gitu.. Susah oh kan klu sudah jadi mindset..

  6. Kalau ada ja pergaduhan yang melibatkan bangsa yang berbeza, mesti orang akan assume yang punca dia mesti racism. Senang betul orang mau jump into conclusions. Mana buli mau tuduh2 bgtu ja. Smpi yang kita di Sabah ni pun terkena tempias dia. Adeh.
