
19 February 2012

Cath-j giveaway all about LOVE

This post is for the giveaway contest by Cath. I am joining it. And here goes mine.

 The love of my life. My life and my soul.
 Thank you GOD for giving them in my life. My life wouldn't be completed without them. 

Actually, I met my hubby about 13 years ago. At that time we were in the same college. Never across in my mind that I would find my future soulmate there. He was really playful at that time and we were good friends. 

We declared our relationship as girlfriend boyfriend couple on a Valentine's Day in the year 2000. And it was through a phone conversation. funny.. Kalau teringat balik rasa macam budak-budak.. Well indeed we were so young that time. We were 17 / 18 years old.

Seven years later we're officially became married couple. And after four years being married couple, we became parents to our dearly little boy, baby Gabriel Aiden.

I feel very blessed to have both of them. They are priceless gifts I ever had. Being a mother, it taught me about life. And of course it's a long way to go. I am still in the learning process becoming a good mother to my dearly baby boy, as well as a good wife to my dearest hubby.

Life is all about love. And it is always a learning process. One can never look life as simple as it is. We should always grateful for what we had and always cherish the moment while we're still here on earth. Give love today as it is your last day, means always give the best and don't ever takes thing for granted. That's what I am doing right now. I don't want to feel regret later.

Everyday is a memorable day. Yes indeed it is. My little boy is growing up and I'm observing it. I don't want to lose every part of it. I want to witness every moment of it. 

I love him very much and I want him to always feel secure and happy beside me. Yes, that what should a child feel towards their mother, and definitely I want that.. :D

All about LOVE. That it is. I Love my hubby and my baby boy. I Love my family. How about you?.. I hope everyone is the same. Well, who's don't?.. Because, everything starts from a family. 

Therefore, I always remind myself this, "Family means Nobody Left Behind".. :D

Take care and GOD bless.. :D

p/s: By the way, kindly click 'Like' at my thumbnail below if you like this post. The thumbnail's title is Priceless Gifts. Thanks for reading my post. God bless. :D


  1. Wow! cute anak kamu..nanti ko kasi bili dia iPad 3, mau keluar sudah tu..heheh

    1. TQ! hehe.. aduii..cukup la satu ipad..x payah bnyk2 hehehe..LOL

  2. Capat oh kan besar.... Dui bah hari tu baca baru bersalin...hihihi... Ya bah, we as mom kalau boleh dont want to miss a thing.. :)

    Good luck stella... :)

    1. Ya Cath..cepat ba membesar kalau baby ni.. TQ for dropping by Cath..:)

  3. gud gab besar suda ni

    1. TQ.. mmg besar suda dia..this Sat mau 6 bln suda..

  4. Walaupun sa belum kawin and ada anak, I always wonder how it feels like to have my own family. Bila sa tengok orang punya blog kan, about how they get married, get pregnant, and have children, and most importantly, how they grow as a person, sa rasa mcm sa pun involved in the story and I feel happy for them as well :)

    Btw, your baby is so cute! Pipi tembam! :)

    1. Yes, mmg bgitu. You think you can feel others. Actually it's different. Unless you are in their shoes, then you know what it looks like. Bgitu la sya dulu sebelum jadi mama hehehe..

      Hehe..bikin gerigitan ni baby sya..bulat2 muka dia..hehe!

  5. awww so sweet...Gabriel is so cute!!!! ^^

  6. Hi Stella,

    what an interesting blog you have here,

    are you working or full time housewife..

    I would love to invite you later if you interested..

    proudly to our group SAHWM (Stay At Home Wife & Mother) :)

    1. Yes.. then you can show me the group website. Thanks for visiting here. :D

  7. "Family means nobody left behind"- I agree with this. Dulu time schooling time selalu melawan my mom sekrg bila i moved to adulhood baru paham apa sebab mom always bagi advice and larang tu larang ni. I wish I could be a good daughter back then, if only I knew what i know now..

    by the way, ur baby sdh sis punya baby pun mcm kejap ja mahu dekat 2years old sdh..

    1. Ya memang ba kan gitu. Time remaja2 mmg tu naluri mau memberontak saja and ingat our parents menyusahkan saja. But the other around ba tu sbb dorang suda dulu mkn garam.

      Now skrg sya suda jadi mama, I wish the best for my kid. Hope one day dia jadi anak yg baik-baik lah, GOD fearing dan respect to the elders. :D

  8. cutenya baby ko..bah good luck ah..:)

  9. waahh..siuk baca love story ko..:)
    hope u live happily ever after..ameennn ~

    cute baby boy..

    GoodLuck ~ :)

    1. siuk ka.. bagus la..sya takut ja org baca nda siuk..hehehee..:P
      TQ..tq.. :)

  10. wow, satu lagi kisah cinta dari zaman muda remaja.. banyak ba pula orang sa mo admire ni kalau gini.. sweet ja baca.. tapi, ko belum post sedalam2nya lagi.. share ba kalau brani.. :p.. ini belum cukup detail lagi ni.. :D

    1. Aiseh... ko challenge sya kaitu... LOL..
      Bah, buli bah kalau kau.. nanti sya post.. Jgn pula ko nda baca..LOL :P

    2. Oh,jan ko susah.. sa paling campen ni 'menyibuk'.. Best ba baca benda2 yang inspiring.. since ko punya cara penulisan pun best baca kan, so no problem.. :D

  11. I love the way you wrote. Wish you best of luck in the contest. :D

    1. Thanks Diana. And Thanks again for willingly to read my post :)
      GOD bless.

  12. Good luck in your contest, gal! What an inspirational post! My hubby & I have been happily married for 12 yrs with a teenage son. Family life is good. Here's wishing u the best in life!


    1. I am glad u stated there that my post here is inspired you.
      Thanks for visiting here. :D

  13. Oh my, since 17/18 years old ka. I salute you both brabis.

    Adui si Gabriel grow up so fast! :P Macam baru last week sia baca post ko pasal having him hehee.

    Haave a great Tuesday tomorrow, Stella.

    1. yup..since 17/18 yrs old hehehe..
      capat kan si gabriel membesar.. nda lama lg jadi tanak wagu hehe

  14. Hi Stella, you got a great looking hubby and kid there. He sure one good looking guy.
    Here's wishing you all the very best in your love life.
    Have fun, stay young.

    1. Oh really?.. nanti perasan pula dia.. kembang hidung hehehe..
      Thanks for visiting here Uncle Lee..:)
