
19 February 2011

Friday's Dinner

Hi friends,
I just want to share with you my dinner last night. I am craving for MacD after reading Just and Mr and Mrs Mikko post. I can't bear enough to see the post haha.. So i am thinking to have meal at MacD too. After all it's been a while we (me and hubby) didn't ate at MacD. So i asked hubby for dinner at MacD Karamunsing yesterday and this is the very first dinner at MacD for the year 2011.

Okay here are the pics. :D

Quater Pounder, my fav burger after Double Cheese Burger.. :D

Ayam Goreng MacD, his menu of the day

Okay, this is dinner for 2 person. I ordered for regular set of Quater Pounder Burger and plus the ala carte Ayam Goreng MacD. Total price RM17.25. Quite save, isn't.. hehe. Don't want to order more sebab takut nanti terlampau kenyang..

Okay that's it for today. You have a pleasant and fun weekend. :D


  1. kenapa ayam goreng nya nampak kaler kelabu jer tuh...resepi baru ker Stella?

  2. Dinner for two persons? Alala..tidak pun cukup utk sya saturang sya nampk..hehehe..great weekend Stella

  3. uinah, bertambah2 lapar ni, sudahlah se nampak ko punya sasau fan ni plus mc d lagi hehehe

  4. Eja:

    Ghost writer:
    ayam MacD mmg berlainan dr KFC..

    ko mmg tidak cukup tu hahaha

  5. Richard:
    orait :)

    Vera: bah apa lg..p MacD hehe

    hehehe... bah makan..hehe
