
03 January 2011

A Fresh Start..

Hello dear friends,
wow it's like it's been so long time
i didn't update here.
Honestly I am so busy with several things that
not allowed me to do some update here.
Well, i think it's not too late to wish you
all the best for New Year 2011.

I am sure most of you did aimed some
resolutions for the year of 2011. For me,
i just want to achieve the best in my life
and hoping for success journey in the
future life, of course mostly for this
year since it's a new year. And i need
a Fresh Start. That is why i changed my
blog background into green color..hehe..
I need a fresh start, a fresh view..hehe..

So, this must be the 1st ever post for year
2011. So, i hope i am able to be here always and
keep updating with you guys everyday..

Oh now i remember, will blog out about
my last week trip to Kuching . Will share
with you some pics and stories.

Okay, that is all for now. Hoping you're
having pleasant Monday.

Till then remember that Success will
always awaiting for those who eager
to get it..:)



  1. 1st to comment here for year 2011.. :)New azam.. what azam now aa..?

  2. Happy New year Stella...resolution? Kasi kurang aramai ti..ehhehe

  3. Happy New Year Stella!!!

    and Happy wedding anniversary to you and the hubby

  4. Happy new year Stella wish this year a good year to remember...

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR, to you and your loved ones! Wishing you ALL the BEST in 2011!:)

  6. Richard:
    haha..1st commentor aa.. mau lebih success hehe

  7. Gunsirit:
    happy new year ... nah bgus la tu..kurang kan aramai tii..hehehe..supaya prestasi keja meningkat

  8. Chegu Carol:
    Happy New year to u too... Thanks for the wishes hehe

  9. Jolly:
    Same to u.. all the best for 2011 :D

  10. Alv:
    Same to u... all the best for 2011. A good year to remember :D

  11. Happy New Year 2011 stell... adehh sekijap ja oh kan.. honestly sya still ada perasaan macam baruuuu ja celebrate new year 2010.. suda new 2011 lagi pla. Resolution.. hihi.. dgn bangganya sya berazam untuk berusaha untuk menggemuk.. kasi ada isi sikit ni badan.. telampau kerempeng! hahah!

  12. Happy New Year Stella...
    Harap-harap nie tahun kita semua lebih sukses dari biasa :)

  13. hope your new year has got off to a great start Stella

  14. Ola Stella... happy new year ;)

  15. same like me stella..tapi hari ini aku cuba teruja untuk kembali berblogging seperrti dulu.hepi new yar once again...

  16. Hi stel.. sia jarang buat resolutions but this yr ada ba kunun!! hehehe...

  17. Eva:
    ba sya doakan supaya azam baru ko tu tercapai..hehehe

  18. Sumandak Kinabalu:
    Ya harap2 gitu laitu hehehe

  19. Dempsey:
    Thanks. All the best to u too :)

  20. Okayarms:
    Ola...same to u..all the best kio :)

  21. Biskut:
    bagus la..teruja mau update blog.. sya ni masi kabur2..hahaha..mcm malas ja hehehe..walaupun new year kenen

  22. Just:
    ya ka? apa kunun resolutions for this year.. whatever it is, all the best to u..:)

  23. Happy new year dear...Tidak lewat bh sa ucap kan

  24. beaty:
    Same to u..masi tdk lewat ba hehe
